Metal classic: Scatterbrain--Don't Call Me Dude

Thread reopened.

Scatterbrain was (is) awesome! Highly underrated, the dudes in the band are great players. That whole album was awesome. I think I had read somewhere that they were playing a one off reunion show or something?
Why do this guy's threads keep getting closed? I mean most of them look like crap but give it a chance...

Listening. This is weird. Cool bass. Annoying vocals.
My thread was reopened? Then forgive me for my other thread. lol

Scatterbrain just proves that metal bands can have abilities beyond normal hard rock norms, even doing 50's doo wop stuff quite well. Just a fun song, interesting album.
Drunken milkman, driving drunk... Here Comes Trouble was a fun album, those guys and M.O.D. were my junionr/senior year in high school.

Down With the Ship was a good song too.
I scoffed at Don't Call Me Dude when I first heard it on the radio, thinking to myself "man, this band used to be really fuckin' great as Ludichrist" then a friend bought the album and after a few drinks I changed my opinion, it was a good fun, drinking album. The songs you quoted were highlights indeed. They even bothered touring Australia at the time and it was a brilliant show, I remember running up this morbidly obese fellows back to get on the stage, it looked like a ramp to my tequila drenched eyes!

MOD's debut was stellar btw! Another memory I'll always have is being questioned one night by police about the usual stuff and the lady officer curiously asked me, after looking at my backpatch, what MOD meant. Surprising I can remember any of it actually! They were F-U-N days.:kickass: