Metal Cross - Thrash


New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2012
When was the band formed?
Formed in 2008 Mansfield ( Nottingham) England.

How is the music scene where you are?
It’s got the potential to be good. I can always see lots of metal heads knocking around….. sometimes the venues can let it all down though. There’s no bands I know of like us though so we don’t fit in but we’re used to being underdogs and we like it that way, we’ll play with any one!

What have you been doing recently?
We’ve just recorded a few tracks for a demo and we’re looking to gig as much as possible around out full time jobs!

What’s the live show like?
This bands like being a pro footballer. When we get a bit of form we normally get a really good response and do some really good gigs. It’s always high energy regardless and we aint scared to go balls out each time we play.

Who writes the songs?
Depends on which song it is. None of us ever write a song entirely because everyone always chips in with their own parts which can change what the original intention of the writer for the part/song sometimes for better or worse…………. generally better as we all have faith in each others ability.

Who are your influences?
Real metal, not fake metal.

What’s the future got in store for Metal Cross?
We all just want to get our music out there and get as much exposure as possible….. that said if we’ll keep on playing any way even if things stay the same.
For now you can keep up to date on our facebook page and listen to our songs look at our music vids on youtube.