Metal Crusade - A tribute to Saxon

Nov 27, 2005
Reading, UK
Before the arch enemy gig in london thursday last I nipped into tower records and saw a tribute album to saxon called metal crusade.
It had 8 tracks, including the underrated fire in the sky, and was done by some totally unheard of bands. And also, wait for it, it was 25 quid?

Has anyone else seen, heard or bought this? What is it like? Who are the bands? Is it worth 25 quid?
Yeah i got the cd and it cost a lot less then 25 quid cant even rem where i got it from, But the only real decent track of it thats covered any good by one of these bands is the version of rock n roll gypsies they have slightly changed it in parts of the songs and they do the song juctice ( forgive the pun there ) as for the other bands of the cd id give em about 5 out of ten.

Theres only one band that can play saxon songs the way they should be played at thats saxon themselves, But i guess at least the other bands of the tribute album did give it a try.
Bosnian Witchfinder said:
Has anyone else seen, heard or bought this? What is it like? Who are the bands? Is it worth 25 quid?

Without a doubt, NOT worth £25 !!! Stick to the original and best mate, but if (like it did with me) curiosity gets the better of you could download it, its out there floating about... You only need hear it the once anyway lol

5 out of 10.....

You only need to hear it once....

Glowing praise indeed!

Download it if your curious. Listen to the first 15 seconds of every song, and then wipe the memory of it's existance from your mind. Consider it an insult to the Saxon name. None of the bands deserve to make it, or breathe. Whoever sanctioned the recording of this should be dipped repeatedly in a vat of acid. A big fat 0 out of 100.

However I heard it sold more copies than RE://Landed.

Eagleution - A tribute to saxon. Infinately better in my opinion, but wouldn't get more than 2.5 out of 10.
MatRattz said:
Download it if your curious. Listen to the first 15 seconds of every song, and then wipe the memory of it's existance from your mind. Consider it an insult to the Saxon name. None of the bands deserve to make it, or breathe. Whoever sanctioned the recording of this should be dipped repeatedly in a vat of acid. A big fat 0 out of 100.

Theres a quality review you can trust !!
Bosnian Witchfinder said:
thanks for the advice, i'll definetly never buy it now!
what makes it so crap though? the production?

The production is pretty damn bad yeah....and the fact the the musicianship of the bands equals the bad prodution.....and...its just bad all the way!
ITS ACTUALLY NOT THAT BAD A CD, it features October 31, which is King Fowley's (deceased) side project. probably the heaviest hitter on this cd. overall i enjoy the tracks. but then again a got it for 3 dollars.