Metal, does make people dumb?

Jun 4, 2003
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so.. the news :

NORWEGIAN METAL VETERAN IN FIVE-STOREY FALL We have received an unconfirmed report that on Easter eve, Carl-Michael 'Aggressor' Eide (Aura Noir, Inferno, Virus, Ved Buens Ende, ex-Cadaver, ex-DHG) jumped off a five storey building in Oslo. He is currently undergoing extensive surgery, the outcome of which is still not known. Friends, family and fans all over the world are said to be in shock. Carl-Michael is a highly respected musician and a unique talent and personality who has touched and enriched a lot of people's lives. All at Terrorizer send our best wishes for a full recovery.
rap is not the issue here!

the issue is hevvy mettal making people think they're smarter than they actually are. at least in my day its was unashamedly lowbrow
I don't feel smarter than any other people, though i acknowledge i'm surrounded by many fools.
Metal doesn't make you intelligent, see what happened to Dimebag Darrell
french_anatheman said:
I don't feel smarter than any other people, though i acknowledge i'm surrounded by many fools.
Metal doesn't make you intelligent, see what happened to Dimebag Darrell

no, in fact, this thread meant to be a little bit ironic.. you know, not all ppl into metal is dumb, but a few take it so seriously that do stupidity.
bender the offender said:
no, in fact, this thread meant to be a little bit ironic.. you know, not all ppl into metal is dumb, but a few take it so seriously that do stupidity.
Yes i know, but it happens indeed, i was a bit ironic too don't worry.
That's also why i referred to what happened to Dimebag.
The world is dumb, the earth is green and the sky is black... don´t you think that there is something like a more sophisticated/differentiated view on certain things... sometimes...

if you want to numb yourself with metal o.k.

there fuckers and suckers and abusers, assholes, whores, angels... everywhere...

look here this is what it is all about...


Everything is just repeating... what matters is that you see the patterns...!

:cry: :) :erk: :yuk: