Metal Drum Loops???


well sticking to the subject, there's a program called Fruity Loops (no! i'm not kidding:p ) i don't know if you've heard of it already but on the net you can get info about it
I've been messing around with the demo. I think it's still the same as the registered version. Is that correct?

I can't find very good drumkits on it. I'm looking for a very brutal, realistic drumkit. Do you know how to solve my dilema?

Originally posted by npearce
Haven't bought a good soundcard, but should have one by Christmas. I'll check out your link.

Trust me bro, Your gonna love it. Ive used for about a year now and wow. You can even load your own samples into it so if there is a kit that you like alot that maybe one of your friends has you can sample that digitally and re-create it within your software, Its so cool. As far as a sound card you can get some cool ones with alot bang for the buck like a lexicon core 2, Creaware Pulsars are dropping in price, Or even a good soundblaster live platinum will do it, Alot of my friends are running those with thier other sound cards for the soundfonts alone. You just gotta look for the deals, E-bay is a good place to start for that kinda thing. Good luck :D
Well its a 24bit 96KHz support semi/pro level soundcard. I mean semi pro only in the software bundle that it would or would not come with (wether or not your buying it used or new). All in all for the money, A bad ass card you could probably do anything you wanted to do wih it. Good MIDI, Digital and MIDI and I/O's. The only draw back is it doesnt support a internal CD-connector. Other than that its bad ass for the bones that you would spend ;) I hope that helps ya, If you have any other questions, Just ask, I know alot about this stuff ;) Been doin it forever:)
It connects your cd-rom drive to the soundcard so if you'v mixed something down and mastered it to a disc, you couldnt play it back in your rom, so really its not that important as your playback will go from hard drive to card to your speakers. And if you've mastered to a disc your gonna wanna play it in diffrent stereo anyway, but thats a whole other beast ;)
So will my CD drive go through my old soundcard?

Second question: I've been trying to use Sonar 2.0 XL. It tells me I don't have any MIDI devices. Is this just because I have a standard factory installed soundcard? I'm assuming this is why I can't record anything. Not even audio. I haven't spent much time with it, though. I'm kind of stuck on Cool Edit Pro 2.0, since it is so easy to figure out.

OK. After looking at Battery, I've got more questions. Battery is only a sampler. What would be a good program to create loops with the Battery samples? Will Fruity Loops work? I have this software: Sonar 2.0 XL, Cool Edit Pro 2.0, Acid Pro 4.0. Would any of those be better for creating loops?

Basically, I want to record audio, mostly. I'm just looking to do some stuff with my guitar and maybe vocals. I'd like to be able to create something professional sounding. Will the software I've mentioned work for me? If not, tell me what I need, to get things going. I've only recently started this whole thing.

Yeah you can get your CD playback through your onboard or old soundcard that it is already connected to.

Sonor is telling you that you either do not have those devices installed, Or your sound card simply doesnt have MIDI devices. A great program to create loops was this years acclaimed Propellerheads, Reason 2.0, Which does alot of differen things, It even has it own Loop maker built right in. you can check that out at :
I myself use higher end software like Cubase SX, But thats just personal preference, Some guys like Pro tools, some Logic audio, Some cakewalk. Really I dont see a problem with the software your currently using ;)

But if you really want to get serious with all this, I suggest getting Either Cubase or pro tools, or logic audio. They are high end for good reason, And that is because it is what the professionals use. heres the links:

I also suggest picking a few good magzines like Computer music which you can research awesome tutorials and buyers guides at:

I really hope all this information helps you out and I wish the best of luck in your recording :) Cant wait to hear your tunes ;)
if you want good sound and qualety record,you must have a program called: REASON or CUBASE, they are greate! with multitude of sound efects, gutar inputs,mixer and many more...
i work with them, i make PAGAN METAL and some strange TECHNO METAL remind DOD HEIMISGARD and it works not bad!
good luck!
I've been reading a bit about computer recording. How important is it that I get a MIDI controller (ex. Keyboard)? I'd like to be able to use my computer for bass parts until I can buy a good bass guitar set up. It would also be nice to add cool things other than the usual guitar, vocals, bass, drums, but I guess it isn't essential.
Originally posted by npearce
I've been reading a bit about computer recording. How important is it that I get a MIDI controller (ex. Keyboard)? I'd like to be able to use my computer for bass parts until I can buy a good bass guitar set up. It would also be nice to add cool things other than the usual guitar, vocals, bass, drums, but I guess it isn't essential.

It's pretty important to have one, But they are really dirt cheap so its just better to get into one now rather than later.
OK, Kamikaze. Here's what I have:

1) Computer: P4, 1.8GHz, 256RAM, 40gig HD, 17" monitor
2) Software: Cool Edit Pro 2.0, Acid Pro 4.0, Sonar 2.0 XL (can't get it to work yet, probably a soundcard issue)
3) Senheisser headphones
4) Zoom PS04 for guitar and vocal input

Here's what I'm buying:

1) Fruity Loops
2) M-Audio Audiophile 2496 soundcard
3) Oxygen 8 USB MIDI controller keyboard (I think it's made by MIDIMAN)

Will this be a good set up?

Also, I heard the M-Audio Audiophile has some trouble on Windows XP with driver issues. What can I do about that? Should I get a different card? Everything I've read says that one is awesome for the money.

Also, is there a good book about all this computer recording stuff? Something that covers everything from the basics to advanced techniques. I've found some good websites, but I know somebody that insists on buying me a book for Christmas.

If you answer all these questions, you will be my hero.