Metal Game

I think... Raise Hell.

I'll tell you, Mocika, why no one's heard of Malice Mizer.
It's because the band is Japanese and no one here is well-rounded enough to have heard of them!! MWAAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Motorhead or Judas Priest?
I think I'll go with winds. I saw Borknagar live. After the first song I was like "Yeah, this is cool. I think I'll buy the pic-disc they have for sale here", but after a couple of songs I skipped that idead as it sounded more like Bon Jovi.
I haven't heard much Winds, but what I've heard was alright!
Originally posted by Mocika

Rotting Christ or Tartaros

LadyLovelyLocks : what kind of music does Malice Mizer play?, and i havent heard from Klaha either... :confused:

Well, Malice Mizer is a visual rock band, wich means that they dress up REALLY wildly. And they wear tons of make-up. They're music is very romantic and beautiful. It sounds, to me, like a mix of rock or metal and Baroque style music (I love the fact that they use harpsichords in their music).:) They sing about romance, death, pain, and vampires mostly. Their singers have always been very very skilled. I think Klaha is the best, I wasn't surprised when I found out that he's a big fan of opera music.
Their outfits go with the music too. They sometimes dress baroque style. The bass player Yu`ki (my favorite) usually dresses like a vampire and he usually wears long curly wigs. The leader/guitar player Mana always dresses like a woman (and he can act more like a girl than most girls! LOL). The second guitar player Kozi is the strangest and he has the scariest outfits of all. I think the coolest thing about him is that he usually doesn't look real. He looks like a puppet or doll, the way he moves and plays guitar, it's so... strange. They've had three singers (Tetsu, Gackt, and Klaha) and the only thing I can say about them is they are all awsome and very different from each other.

One down side is that if you don't know Japanese (like me) then you'll have to just appreciate their pretty music, or go on the internet and find translations. But since Klaha joined the band, they have made a couple of songs in english.

I would die to go see one of their concerts, they put on a hell of a show. I believe that each of their shows has a story to it. I've seen a lot of clips of them and it looked like they were putting on a play. Their videos are awsome, and they've even made two movies. Silent movies, so you wouldn't have to worry about understanding them. Of course, no one can really understand them anyway.:lol:

Sound strange?

They kind of grow on you after awhile.;) I recomend giving them a go. If their style suits your fancy, when you watch their videos you kind of find yourself lost in them. Whenever I was having a hard time with... the world and friends and stuff I would always watch them in order to forget about all that stuff and escape into their fantasy.

Sorry that's so long, but you can't really describe Malice Mizer in one or two sentences. Unless I just say that their a gothic/baroque rock band that looks really cool. But I like to be vivid. Now if all of you people's well-roundedness hasn't increased then you can't blame me!:cool:

By the way, Mocika, what do you mean when you say you haven't heard from Klaha? Have you heard of him?:confused:
Originally posted by LadyLovelyLocks
Well, Malice Mizer is a visual rock band, wich means that they dress up REALLY wildly. And they wear tons of make-up. They're music is very romantic and beautiful. It sounds, to me, like a mix of rock or metal and Baroque style music (I love the fact that they use harpsichords in their music).:) They sing about romance, death, pain, and vampires mostly. Their singers have always been very very skilled. I think Klaha is the best, I wasn't surprised when I found out that he's a big fan of opera music.
Their outfits go with the music too. They sometimes dress baroque style.

By the way, Mocika, what do you mean when you say you haven't heard from Klaha? Have you heard of him?:confused:
Thanks for the description! I think i will look for them and give them a chance. Gothic music is not really my favourite, not counting a few band only. I will let you know after i could check their music somewhere...
No, i havent heard from Klaha before, but I think I will get to know a bit more about him if i can check the band:)
Really?! Wow!:eek:

I've told a lot of people about Malice Mizer in the past, but no one ever cared.

And I don't like any other gothic bands either. I think Malice Mizer is different though. Other gothic bands I've heard sound pretty satanic so I always stay away from them. Malice Mizer can be scary and stuff, but I don't think that they come even close to being as bad as guys like Cradle of Filth (I don't know what COF is all about, but they're one of the bands I stay away from). Malice Mizer doesn't look like a typical gothic band either, I mean, they look gothic, but they're more about looking pretty and elaborate than evil.

And one other thing I forgot to say is that their music has so many different ranges. They can be metal, rock, gothic romance, regular romance, and even techno.

And one other thing that sucks. THey broke up last december!:mad:
But I heard that it's only temporary. I'm waiting impatiently for them to come back together.

Well, thanks for being interested, Mocika!;) Your cool.

I hope you like 'em.

I'll go with Katotonia. I've never really heared Opeth.

Scorpions or Dio?