metal(gasp) last(gasp)...must have my fix(gasp)


Father Figure
May 14, 2003
South Carolina
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have i found a real metal site or is it just a mirage?? from what i've seen so far it looks pretty good. been into metal and hard rock so long i've probably got tattoos older than most of the critters on this site. hope to discover a lot of new music here.,, and are a few of my favorite sites. also enjoy classical and delta blues. as far as a favorite band there is too much good music to be stuck on only one band or style. if it sounds good to me it goes into my collection. lookin' forward to hearin' from whatever surfs this site.

later critters, J.R.
dragonfu said:
have i found a real metal site or is it just a mirage?? from what i've seen so far it looks pretty good. been into metal and hard rock so long i've probably got tattoos older than most of the critters on this site. hope to discover a lot of new music here. later critters, J.R.[/QUOTE] My...meone here older than I am!! *heehee* Cindy