Metal Gods!! Help!


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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yooooooo, i might be goign to see the metal gods in a few weeks, could someone tell me what are the best cds of the bands on metal gods, cause i defintly want to pick some up before i go, i like to be able to savor my experience, your help is much appreciated!
Pain Museum - Haven't heard 'em yet
Amon Amarth - Once Sent From The Golden Hall & Versus The World
Immortal - Sons Of Northern Darkness & At The Heart Of Winter
Primal Fear - Nuclear Fire & Jaws Of Death
Testament - You can't really go wrong
Rob Halford - Everything except his band Two
Carnal Forge - Not too sure but I hear the newest is great

Sorry so vague but hope it helps. Of course, this is only one opinion.

I missed the damn show because everyone pussed out on me and withdrew at the last minute. Fuckers. All of 'em.
man, hell fucking yes. i hate some goddamn pansies that are affraid of the pit and that shit. its not like they have to get in the pit, tahts why i pick my concert friends very specifically, they fuck me once that the end of them. but fuck yeah man, thanks for the list, ive been talkin around and im about to put an order into the end records