Metal Guitar Magazine!

Sheer Metal Guitar

New Metal Member
Feb 25, 2010
Hi all

I am doing a project at the moment for my Masters in Publishing where I am designing a metal guitar magazine (instructional). I need all the metal guitarists here to help me out please!

I have made a really quick survey (less than 2 mins) so I can find out what you would want and expect from a metal guitar magazine. I have got a link to it on the home page of my website . Every response helps me out enormously and I thank you so much if you contribute.

This is basically my dissertation so I will be working over the summer months to complete this project. As a guitar player of 10 years who loves metal, I am really excited by this project and really hope you all can help prove their is interest in such a project.

A massive thank you for any metal guitarists out there who complete the survey!

Adam Wakeling - Sheer Metal Guitar