Metal Guitar Tone (Rhythm) - Thoughts?

Sounds like it's a little dark but it's got a nice character to it, maybe just try adding more treb/pres? and post eqing 2.5khz-7khz, like just mess with inbetween those frequencies
8/10. i don't think this tone needs much tweaking. maybe just a little bump @2k?
Thanks for the feedback, guys! I tried a Lo-Q hump at 2Khz (+3db) and a Hi-Q hump at 4Khz (+2db) and it sounds much more aggressive. In terms of clarity and overall tightness (especially the low-end) where do you guys think it stands?

Here was my signal chain for those who were wondering:

PRS Custom 24 (EMG 81/85 with 18 volt mod) > Maxon OD808 > Voodoo Modified Bogner Uberschall (Revision 2) > Bogner Uberkab > modern Sm57 placed on a Celestion Vintage 30 between where the dust cap and speaker cone meet, one inch off the grill \> Presonus Firestudio Project.