Metal is Satanic

Why does it piss you off? It's a freaking 9 year old with a 9 year old's opinion.

Normally I'd agree with the oh-so-famous "Dam Christians" quote that floats around here, but in this case it's "Dam Youth, Immaturity, Misinformation and Inexperienced in Matters of Debate, Thorough Logic and Worldview Construction."
HAHA james murphy's comment is should made him look stupid enough


I actually find stuff like that really depressing. It just shows how "they" are taught to hate things without having any idea WTF they are even hating them for. I really try not to let stuff like this bother me, but it's this same ideology that allowed witch hunts 300 years ago or so.
yeah, whatever, when i was 9 i thought metal was the stupides thing ever, things change.

what pisses me off is that you can record your bullshit and paste it on youtube, there should be some kinda of 'decency' filter built in :D
I don't know what's up with some of these so called "Christians" , they are supposed to treat all God's children equally but they are just extremist asshole most of the time. I think Jesus would punch that kid in his fat cunt as well
I wouldn't trust a 9-year-old's judgment on things like sex, beer, cars, or movies either.

I agree, though, that it's sad. It reflects that sort of hyper-evangelical Bible Belt Christianity that is entirely obnoxious, even to Christian folk.
You guys saying "fuck Christianity" is just as ignorant as this 13 year old kid saying "metal is satanic." Yes his opinion is worthless, and yes his argument is ridiculous, but it's obvious he has been brainwashed by his parents, and we can't do anything about it.

All this says, is be an open minded parent, don't teach your kids to hate anything aside from people who hate, and... LISTEN TO MORE METAL :headbang: