Metal Maniacs interview


Jun 30, 2003
the darkest corner
Hello. a friend of mine had turned me on to you guys and im totally into Mabool as well as the other discs. I just picked up the august issue of Metal Maniacs and read the interveiw with Kobi. The story he tells of how he spent time in jail for leaving the army early and the other members faking insanity to get out is incredible. Then being arrested at the taj-mahal for singing a prayer is very touching. Its great to see that there are metal musicians with a higher purpose in mind than just the evil imagery we're used to (though i am a sucker for Satan at times). You guys are very inspiring. and although my mundane factory life here in the states is generally comfortable and free of conflict, i still find your words and music extremely uplifting.

The fact that you have arab fans is evidence that people, as individuals, can still leave political, nationalistic, and cultural barriers behind and get along quite well. I think any peace agreement there will almost have to come from a movement of regular citizens rather than the officials of government. I have heard that there are efforts in Israel by citizen groups to broker there own peace plans with palestinians, though the Israeli gov. refused to acknowledge such a move. How is this turning out, any progress?
First of all, hi and welcome to our forum!

Thanks for all the compliments, I'm glad you liked our music and also the stories that stand behind it! (I'm one of the guys who faked insanity, though I regret it today).

About all the political issues you mentioned - We are not involved in any political activity regarding the situation here. We only hope, like everybody else, that the conflicts will end soon, and that we will all be able to live peacefuly.

Have a nice time bro.
Hello and welcome :)

The metal Maiacs Interview is great indeed!

As Matti told, I would add that I believe that dealing with what is happenning here is getting into a never ending circle of confusion, we are trying to help through our music and attitude to create friendships between all the orphans :)
welcome in mate :)
i'd say that the way OL's music is entwined of both western and oriental sounds and music, so will israeli calm eventually, the moment those two sounds will find a way to wrap around each other in a harmonious way.