metal mike chlasciak to guest on the DEATH TRIBUTE album!!!

ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
from metal mike's official site:

"Metal Mike also recently spoke to former Testament/ Death guitarist James Murphy about the Death tribute album James is putting together. Mike agreed and is looking forward to appearing as a guest on this highly anticipated album to the legendary Death. Many high profile musicians will take place in this including the members of Slipknot."
Killer! I am looking forward to this tribute album a great deal. Almost as much as i'm looking forward to the last Control Denied. Both will be crushing beyond belief i'm quite sure.
I agree, I'm sooo looking forward to it. I get the feeling it'll have all the heart and passion it's supposed too.

How long before release? Looking at around 4 or more months? Is that a safe guess?
It was thought of as a song title in a band I was in a few years ago. It may have been started from the "D&D (Dungeons & Dragons" - which I personally was never into) games title, or was noticed after the idea to have the same acronyms as the game. Either way, there was also an AD&D (Advanced D&D) title - Advanced Diapers & Dildo. But the first one seemed to stick more. We never used either title. Those guys weren't cool like that, just me! Leave it to the drummer to think of crap like that.