Metal Mike


Jun 1, 2002
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[font=&quot]By the looks of the photos from the Euro tour, Metal Mike looks absolutely killer on stage. I think he fits the Testament bill just right. He actually looks like Diamond Darrell from Pantera. I was disappointed when Steve left the band to join Nevermore but now I’m more than happy about our latest addition to Testament. We all know he’s an excellent guitarist and if anyone has any doubts they should listen to his work and excellent solos with Halford. This is Testament’s strongest line-up in a long time. Especially with Paul hammering the drums and Steve on bass. I’m sure we’ll be hearing Metal Mike on the new album and hopefully Chuck or Eric will soon confirm that he has become an official member for good. Congrats to Mike. You rule!

I added a cool link about a review of Metal Mike's career for those interested:
Metal Mike fuckin rules, I got his beer can from the London show :tickled: I was right infront of him at the London gig and fuck can he shred! :worship:
Last saturday I saw Testament live and regards to Mike I didn´t expect anything. But wow, what a killer guitar player ...... he just played all the Skolnick solos damn right. I mean, hey, how long is he playing and jamming now with the Testa boys ? Holy shit ......