Metal mix need help with guitars please

Dec 29, 2010
I posted this the other day and still got nothing, so maybe someone shall see this.

To cut on long story short im using pod farm for guitars, no bass guitar, basic eq'd drums and mixed on old school sony stereo speakers which are quite the opposite of "flat" lol

Anyway, i would like some feedback on the guitars, how do you make them sound really nice and thick and have them stand out well in a mix, because im clueless.

Im pretty new so any advice would be great

Yeah i figured i might hear that, i guess what i mean is, whats wrong with the guitars as you hear them now?

It's pod, and pod usually sounds pretty tame for modern metal in the hands of inexperienced users. To be honest those guitars don't sound too bad actually, you'd be surprised what difference a good bass guitar makes. Say, are you using the pod farm impulses? If you are I suggest getting LeCab2 and a bunch of impulses from around here, it's a step in the right direction at least. Lurk the forums more and use this
Yeah pod farm impulses, and i will look into that. I mean this is all temporary, im going to be getting alot more high end stuff sooner or later, but i would like to know a thing or two when i do. I'm not ignorant, just lazy =p

Thanks for the help dude