Metal mix


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
here is an edited down non mastered MP3 sample of a metal band I recorded and mixed. I wanted to get some feedback from some of you as metal isnt exactly my thing though I do get a fair amount of it. Any comments are appriciated. If you think it sucks tell me. I want constructive critisism. There are no samples, guitars only one pass, and I put an L2 at the end of it for some volume. thanks hope the link works


update: after listening to the link the mp3 seems to pump in my desktop speaker? I'll see if I can get another mp3.
20 views and only 1 opinion? Please guys let me know what I could do better.
I seem to like drums up front a bit. Maybe cause I play bass but I just want to feel the drums. Gtrs on the otherhand are my enemy as I have never ever ever been happy with a heavy guitar tone. :cry: :mad:
But I always have to track and mix retarted fast. If only I owned my own place or local bands actually had $.
The drums, and especially the snare, sound superb! Guitars are a little bit too sharp in my opinion, can't hear the bass well enough to give an opinion about it. Vocals sound good! If i look at the volumes, i think the drums are too loud, bass could use some db's in my opinion, and the vocals should be a little more up front. But it sounds goood already!