help me with my mix (death metal)

The song is pretty awesome. It needs less sweeping though :lol:

The snare probably has too much bottom microphone going on.

The kick drum is lacking a little bit of body. I think you got rid of the more irritating frequencies.

How are you processing the drums?
The song is pretty awesome. It needs less sweeping though :lol:

The snare probably has too much bottom microphone going on.

The kick drum is lacking a little bit of body. I think you got rid of the more irritating frequencies.

How are you processing the drums?

Thanks for the advice lolzgreg. And sweeping is really the only lead thing im good at lol

The processing im doing is almost all through superior. I sent the snare, toms and OH's to their own buses. I used EQ and a comp on all of them. I used examples from here

i punched in some of the example settings and then tweaked from their. The kick drum is the sneap sample, I am also worried about my guitar tone and the toms getting lost.
Doesn't sound too bad to me man. The guitar tone seems a little muffled/lost/messy? While it sounds pretty good it doesn't seem to punch you in the face as much as what I would personally prefer - but if it is how you like it then who cares? :)

The kick sounds pretty nice to me too, but overall everything seems a little too dark and could do with some elements standing out with a bit more high end to make everything seem a bit more present maybe.

EDIT: Just listened to the updated version and the guitar sound is a lot clearer as you said, which is good. It sounds really nice in those big chords and resonates well.

Now that the guitar tone has been cleaned up a little it seems like the kick sounds a bit too slappy and lacks some body in this new mix. Not sure why that is but it could be because of the fact that the guitars sound more defined, it could be likely that the kick doesn't seem to cut through in the same way or something.

Anyway, cool riffing as well man. :)