Help with my Mix

hey mate
same setup im using, sort of.
sounding pretty good

edit your velocity's on your drums so they dont sound like machines. especially in the breakdown!
what DAW you using?
vocals could come down a little. they seem a tiny bit dry.
cymbals are too loud.
guitar tones sounds good to me!

just the drums are a problem.
not listening on monitors atm so cant really comment on anything else!
guitars sound like they've got too much low end in em, or could be the bass. as i said. listening through laptop
Thank you for the reply.. I'm using Cubase. I'll bring down the cymbals a bit and maybe add something to the vocals to make them a bit more fuller. If you get a chance to listen through your monitors let me know if there is anything else you can hear. Thanks man.
I'm working on the kick right now, having some problems with Battery3 right now. Any other suggestions with the mix?
Cymbals are too bright, toms could use some ambiance. I would notch out something between 2k and 7k on those guits. It's a little nasty around there. Vocals sound pretty good! I would automate them in parts. Drum sounds aren't bad just unrealistic.

Cool mix.
Thanks man! I'll definitely try out your suggestions. Quick question, I know how to automate and what it is, I just never know when to actually do it. When do you find your self automating and what are you automating?