metal mojo


drunk disheveled dude
Apr 30, 2007
shithole, USA
hey dudes, im here looking for advice cuz i think i have a serious problem on my hands.
i think ive lost my metal mojo.
whenever i sit down to play my guitar i no longer draw inspiration from my hatred or depression.
if anyone has any advice i could really use it.
Why dont you try drawing other emotions besides anger and hatred?

Try going 180 and maybe, just maybe try love. You might find that you can pull together some beautiful notes.

:loco: Sounds crazy huh? or... QUITE GAY!:OMG:

Basic point, don't be one sided.
^^^ he's right.anger may drive the pursuit to start playing guitar or an instrument, but it doesn't necessarily have to be there always for you to be a successful Metal Musician.

but by saying that, what kind of metal do u write? explain urself
hey dudes, im here looking for advice cuz i think i have a serious problem on my hands.
i think ive lost my metal mojo.
whenever i sit down to play my guitar i no longer draw inspiration from my hatred or depression.
if anyone has any advice i could really use it.

If hate and depression are your only inspiration then you really have a problom. I had something similar to this where i grew tired of metal. Its normal. Find new music also. Try some non metal. I will sugest Interpol and The Beatles . Listion to both of them relgiously for about two weeks. Then your inspiration sould be back
Why dont you try drawing other emotions besides anger and hatred?

Try going 180 and maybe, just maybe try love. You might find that you can pull together some beautiful notes.

:loco: Sounds crazy huh? or... QUITE GAY!:OMG:

Basic point, don't be one sided.

i tried that last night.didnt work too well cuz i dont really love anything.except maybe weed, my dog, and my guitat.
^^^ he's right.anger may drive the pursuit to start playing guitar or an instrument, but it doesn't necessarily have to be there always for you to be a successful Metal Musician.

but by saying that, what kind of metal do u write? explain urself

mostly thrash stuff, viking metal sounding stuff, and death.
but i also sometimes play blues and classical stuff.
dont really write any of it down because it takes forever for me to draw out all th lines for tabs and shit, and my brother stole the mp3 player i used to used for recording my music.
What's your preference in metal? Perhaps you need to listen to music that conveys more darker emotions to inspire you.
i listen to a lot of slayer,cannibal corpse, emperor,carcass,deicide,cradle of filth,metallica,system of a down, and stuff of that sort.

That sort of stuff? Most of those bands are pretty different sounding... especially SOAD. Perhaps SOAD is sucking you metal mojo... o_O
Listen to non metal for awhile then go back to metal. Trust me I had two fall outs on metal and it always works, you'll just get tired of the non metal genres so fast that you'll want to be a metalhead again. By the time your done with your non metal phase the metal bands should sound even better because you haven't listened to them for awhile making them sound fresh.
if you get bored of nonmetal genres that easily youre probably not listening to the right music
if you get bored of nonmetal genres that easily youre probably not listening to the right music

Or in the case of blue_jay, it means that even if he was listening to the best non-metal ever, he'd get bored of it anyway because he's an idiot.
ok, so drugs only help when im on them.
ive been absolutely strung out all week man, an could play great while i was still high.and drunk. and on a number of things at once.but now that im almost completely out of stuff im back to where i started pretty much.
it was weird.when i smoked a quarted o weed, i was really into bob dylan and hendrix system of a down and nirvana( becuz it sounded like kurt was singin in some weird foreign language).
then after i came down off o that i got really drunk and was back into cannibal corpse and satyricon and belphegor.

:puke: :kickass: :Smokin: o_O :lol: :zombie: :loco: