Metal Mondays In Kansas City

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I started doing Metal Mondays at Revolver Rock Bar off 80th and Metcalf in Overland Park, Kansas at the beginning of April. Attendance has been good only about 1/4 of the time, so I am trying to improve that.

Revolver has a music video system so I play 90 minutes,which starts at 930, of music videos featuring Glam, Hard Rock, Metal that you can find on the radio. Then at about 11 I play a mix cd of the stuff that I have been listening to. Of course I do take requests for the following week in person at the club or advance requests via email or pm.

$2 pints of domestic beer as a special

Here is a little taste of what will be going on this week:

July 16 2007

BLACK MAJESTY - Australian Melodic Power Metal. I dont think they really sound like any other Power Metal band and have an excellent vocalist

BEHEMOTH - Their new album "The Apostasy" is going to be one of the heaviest albums to come next year so make sure you check out this the track to be played as well as the album. If you havent heard of them they are a great blend of Black and Death from Poland.

RIVERSIDE - Melodic Experimental Prog Metal. They create really epic soundscapes without being cheesy kind of reminds of later day ANATHEMA

AMORPHIS - They are getting ready to release their new album and second with their latest and in my opinion best singer Tomi Joutsen. AMORPHIS blends Death, Folk, and Doom all together into one hell of a sound. Their latest releases having been getting away from the Death and Doom and focusing more on the Folk.

Not new stuff, but good stuff:

POISONBLACK - features the ex singer from SENTENCED and they have I suppose you could call it gothic or dark sound. I think they sound basically like SENTENCED with a more mainstream side.

STAR ONE - one of the various projects done by AYREON's mastermind Arjen Lucassen.

KALMAH - I would say that they are comparable to CHILDREN OF BODOM, but with more Prog influences which doesnt mean more or better keyboards as well as rougher vocals.
... there is no metal in KC.
Seriously, I may pop over at some point. That's within stumbling distance for me, actually. Monday night, and the good stuff starting at 11 tho, oi.
... there is no metal in KC.
Seriously, I may pop over at some point. That's within stumbling distance for me, actually. Monday night, and the good stuff starting at 11 tho, oi.

If u show up I will buy you a beer/drink/shot of your choice. 11 is not that bad plus u will get to meet other metal geeks in the area.
Hah, 1st COBOT, which was logical.. but now even here? :erk:
Seriously, i dont think posting it here would really help much (except for Bates.. but he's Bates, so..). As said earlier, posting on local forums and making flyers etc would work much better.
I am just approaching all sides of possible promotion.

It's never matter to me... I had a beard at 14, and back then people weren't so damn anal... I was a regular in a couple of bars by the time I was 16 (Which probably explains a lot about why I am the way I am. :p)
Here is the track listing for the mix cd from last night:

1. Black Majesty – Tomorrowland
2. Poisonblack - Exciter
3. Visions Divine – 25th hour
4. Racer X – Miss Mistreated
5. Behemoth – Inner Sanctum
6. Mekong Delta – Imagination
7. Lions Share – Edge of a Razor
8. Shaaman – Distant Thunder
9. 3 Inches of Blood – Night Marauders
10. Star One – Highmoon
11. Amorphis – A Servant
12. Blind Guardian – Mordred’s Song
13. Riverside – 02 Panic Room
14. The Project Hate – At The Entrance To Hell’s Unholy Fire
15. Kalmah – Black Rojia
16. Samael – Year Zero

Decent turn out last night as well around 20 people again.
very good setlist, except 3 inches of blood. dont really like them.

so if i had a fake id could i get in even if it looks nothing like me.
Here is a little preview of this weeks mix:

July 23 2007

New Stuff........

ANUBIS GATE – Danish Progressive Power, has a slightly darker overtone kind of like NEVERMORE only more melodic I wanna say, but dont think that it is right

CAGE – Power Metal from San Diego, JUDAS PRIEST sped up to about 200 beats per minute

ENTOMBED – Death Metal, one of the inventors of the Swedish Death Metal

Not so new stuff.......

DIECAST – Metalcore, probably the finest Metalcore around

THURSAZ – Belgian Melodic Black, think old EMPEROR with some melodic parts. Most recently they Chicago Powerfest along with NOVEMBER'S DOOM and ATHEIST.

BLACK ABYSS – German Power Metal, HELLOWEEN worship done right