Metal Musicians' Community


Living Atlantis
Nov 26, 2001
Kathmandu, Nepal
Hello fellow metal musicians :wave:
I was wondering if anyone knew of a community site where metal musicians could share (and host) mp3s, have a discussion forum (similar to UM), have bios, artwork and the sort.
I have a site for my powermetal soloproject, but since I'm from Nepal and I'm alone in my music, I'm rather desperate to find a metal musicians' community with metalheads who play from the world over.
It really would be rather fun to share licks and demos and the sort - while discussing techniques and eqiupment.

Please tell if anyone knows of such a site. (no, it's just bad there ;) )
I would also really really like to know of a site same as the one described above. I do alot of solo stuff too cos there arn't many people around to jam with here and baisically no metal heads :waah: I have so much material that Id love to share with the world from my solo projects, just like parimal, so if any one could help us in finding a kick ass site it would be much appreciated:Smokedev:.

I suffer from the same problem. No-one in town, to my knowledge, who is good enough, or willing to learn the songs I write. So, I am left working with Adobe Audition and sequencers, for drums.

The above mentioned site concept would be ideal, so I could compare my own writing styles and recording skills with others in similar circumstances.
