Metal need some Help!!!


New Metal Member
May 28, 2008
Hi there!
I had a session.Recorded some stuff - 6505+ and XXX with their own cabs.No external preamps,comps just onboard pre from an A&HGL2 mixer.As I know I did all right and the instruments on their own sound OK but don't know how to put them together.Neather instrument want to come out as it should and thatway the mix always end up too closed and boxed.What to doo.How do you guys make those guiz go so wide and tight the drumz focused & in the midle,vocal badass???Hven I do the mix I always end up with a material that is too steril and .....lets say 2D and not 3D if you know what I meen!If you got some time to kill please give me some tips on what is actually wrong with the mix.
How many of you do the mixing in CubaseSX3 and is there any catchy thing about it,because when I do a mix in the ProTools LE where I use some different plugz it all sounds so much widther and clearer???
