death metal mix. NEED SOME HELP!!! PLEASE!!!


Jun 6, 2007
Here's the mix I'm working on right now. I'm totally deaf because of changing damn things all day long :( It's really hard for me to mix this because the band wants me to change billion things every time I send them another version of the mix.

Please comment, guys, What should I change / improve? What do you think about guitar tone? etc.
Any comment / advice would be really cool :rock::notworthy

It's first version I have sent them:

and here's version after some changings they wanted me to do:

NEW REAMP, new mix:


Another song.
Latest mix (I lowered the kick in the mix because it was too loud IMO):

Please criticize I know it's not the best mix ever but I try to do this damn thing better and better. I'm really tired with this project because I changed this so many times. Any fresh perspective/opinion would be really helpful.

If you don't like this mix and think that this is totally crap don't hesitate to write that

I think it's quite dynamic and agressive mix - very cool...but...Am I deaf or my headphones are broken (probably) but I hear that whole song is clipping as hell...maybe it's too loud? Maybe band wanted it to sound this way?
Don't get me wrong, It's very nice but for me it's too loud...

pozdrowko sle
Thanks for your input, Necro!! :kickass:
Yeah, the whole mix is very loud but the band wanted it this way. Maybe I should lower a limiter on the master buss a bit? ;)

Anyone else would like to comment? :rock:

I can post some datails if anyone wants ;)
I dont know
maybe try to change limiter (l2, tsl, or other...) lower the volume and maybe try to put Gclip AFTER limiter with gain 0 and 3 knob (forgot the name :P) at 10%
loud mix is good, but clipping is bad :)
I used Loudness Maximizer from Izotope Ozone 4 on master buss. Maybe I should rise the treshold a bit (I have it at -4 db now) and use GClip after that. Thanks for this advice :)

Any other tips to make this mix better? ;)
Hey good mix's Urgul, I use izotope ozone and my maximizer setting
is also -4db hahaha. Love that plug in.

What you can do is using the eq in ozone, if that's already the case set a
eq plugin before it, it can enhance your mix greatly. Or use them both :kickass:
Thanks for kind words, forrestman :) Yeah, Ozone is a great plug!
The band wants me to mix the whole thing again with different guitar and bass tone and with different drums :/ They thought I'll make them 30 different mixes of one song and they will choose the best in their opinion :lol: Some people are strange, heh :goggly:

I'll reamp this track through my Mesa this weekend and I'll post the result then.
Hope they'll like the new version better.

The clips I posted are reamped through my 6505 and Mesa OS cab. Only doubletracked because tracking 4 tracks with their guitarist was just impossible.

Please rate this mix, guys. I don't want to waste my time doing a couple of different mixes of one band if the first mix is quite good already, heh.

Latest mix (I lowered the kick in the mix because it was too loud IMO):

Please criticize :notworthy I know it's not the best mix ever but I try to do this damn thing the best I can. I'm really tired with this project because I changed this so many times. Any fresh perspective/opinion would be really helpful.

If you don't like this mix and think that this is totally crap don't hesitate to write that :kickass: ;)'s great mate..!!..HUGE!! much you pan L & R to your both guitar?...i think turn up a snare a lil' bit will be good,...i like your rough guitar should share that guitar setup mate :rock:
It sounds freaking good, bro! You need to lay some ground rules with the band though. Having you do so many revisions is crazy (unless they're paying for it, which I doubt is the case).

Revision after revision makes mixing a band's material sooo monotonous and pain-staking that it's not fair to the band NOR the engineer in the end because they're all so burnt out!

Go for it and make it rock! =D