Metal-Only Video Game in the Works


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa

Recipe for fail if you ask me.

Not enough metal for you in Guitar Hero and Rock Band? How about a music game that is completely metal? Visual effect consultants EBT3 Creations and talent management company Indevent USA have formed a new multi-media company called Reign Productions, and their first project is said to be a multi-million dollar video game containing nothing but metal. Details are scant at the moment, pending a major announcement regarding the project at the annual NAMM global music products show in Anaheim, California in January, but the game will apparently feature artist cameos as well as the formation of a metal supergroup within the game.

Having long lost touch with what exactly is considered to be metal these days, I am not sure whether to be excited, amused, or terrified.

'Supergroup' Metal Band To Be Formed As Part Of REIGN PRODUCTIONS Launch []
As childish as i may sound it bothers me. I feel like metal is getting Disneyfied by all these games, it sure won't help to establish the picture of metal as an artform.
no. no. no. no. no. no. please no. No more mainstream 'rock' entertainment stuff. Everytime I go to Best Buy I feel this huge wave of awkwardness as I walk by the endless aisles of the unfunny/uncool/unclever School of Rocks and Guitar Heroes and Rock Bands..

On July 29, 2008, it was announced that Activision had opted not to pick up Brütal Legend from Vivendi Games's portfolio as a result of the Activision-Blizzard merger;[4] however, according to Double Fine in response to questions regarding the possible cancellation of the game, the company stated that "Brütal Legend is fine."[5]
i just dont get this fear of metal becoming mainstream. outside of the fact that it will never happen, publicity for good bands is a good thing
i just dont get this fear of metal becoming mainstream. outside of the fact that it will never happen, publicity for good bands is a good thing

It's horrible idea! Metalheads want their bands to stay kvlt, and not appeal to the mainstream and have emo kids wear black metal t-shirts - it's not possible for fans of other music to like metal. Not only that but then we'll be forced to watch our favourite bands shown on that awful MTV! We'd all rather have our favourite metal bands remain underground for our sake (so we can brag about our taste in music), and not let them be successful because that would be selfish on their part. :mad:
I think it might be decent. Especially considering the death metal song on rock band was actually a legitimate song. I think we should give this a chance. Like GR said, I don't see the problem with some legitimate bands getting publicity.
I think it might be decent. Especially considering the death metal song on rock band was actually a legitimate song. I think we should give this a chance. Like GR said, I don't see the problem with some legitimate bands getting publicity.

Is that the song Vision or something like that on that Harmonix setlist? That song is ridiculous.

Anyways I will probably get this, since most GH's suck