Metal Pre's Vox/Guitar/Bass


New Metal Member
Jan 9, 2008
Alright guys,

I want to buy a pre, rack preferable. For metal, where to begin?

The sound i'd like to get guitar wise is along the lines of Later nevermore, fear factory, SYL, Really chunky yet clean and bright, dry yet overly distorted...

I am just talking pre's here, Amps and mics are not an issue with me, i just want to be able to get something that will get the detail out of the amps i use.

what are the cheaper good brands? i want to spend anywhere between 1 and 2k.

are there any all round good pre/EQ/Comp racks that can do vox/bass whatever?
I can say straight away a great pre wont make a difference between a "line 6 spider tone" and a "Nevermore" tone. Thats all done at the source, if your cabs, heads and mics are fine then you shouldn't be worried about the preamp too much.

Though API, Great River, Vintech etc are all good high end stuff.
Chandler TG2. Adds some nice midrange harmonics. I really like it for tracking heavy guitars. A little above your 2K budget mark new but I picked one up for $1800 used.
Hey man, yeah i know about getting the chain right before the pre, mic placement yadda yadda, i can pull a good tone and have with heaps of different gear for demoing, but you can draw a bit of detail out with a pre, and thats what i'm asking, the 002 focusrite pres are really dull, and i just want something that can detail it and warm it up a bit, any particular model with those brands you mentioned?
I can say straight away a great pre wont make a difference between a "line 6 spider tone" and a "Nevermore" tone. Thats all done at the source, if your cabs, heads and mics are fine then you shouldn't be worried about the preamp too much.

Can we stay on topic, there was no mention of using anything else subpar, the OP even said the amp/mics/etc. are not a problem. I don't understand the point of you "+1"'ing what you quoted, totally pointless to this guy's question.

Off the bat the Chandler TG2 is a good unit. API A2D would sound really good as well. Then you have Vintech and Great River for some Neve action if you like that flavor more.
The A2D is the best bargain in a great pair of pres/converters. That said I started a lunch box with a great river 500nv and I absolutely love it. It can do clean or add a fair bit of color depending on how you set it. If you added a 32EQ you would still be under budget with 3 spaces left to expand.
thanks heaps for your replies guys, and thanks 006 for saying what i didnt have the guts to say hah!

so the API A2D is a AD converter too? how does it compare to the 002 as an AD?

Vintech arnt actually neves are they? or just copies?

looking at the Mp-500nv and the 32eq now too, i'm gonna check them out, they are affordable too THANKYOU!!!!
are there any all round good pre/EQ/Comp racks that can do vox/bass whatever?

I´m a huge fan of Manley VoxBox, but it is more expensive. Only the pre section of it is around $1.600, but I never used it on instruments. Should sound great anyway!

By the way, I can understand The_Shred´s point, even if slighlty off-topic. When you say "Really chunky yet clean and bright, dry yet overly distorted" it has like 1% to do with the pre. I mean, if you´re not satisfied with the guitar tone, the chance that switching the pre will nail the tone that you have in your head is minimal. Even between a $200 pre and a $2000 pre IMO.
so the API A2D is a AD converter too? how does it compare to the 002 as an AD?

Vintech arnt actually neves are they? or just copies?

Dare I say the A2D is as good, if not better, than a 002 on conversion.

Vintech is as much a Neve as Great River is, both use the Neve design in their units.
Can we stay on topic, there was no mention of using anything else subpar, the OP even said the amp/mics/etc. are not a problem. I don't understand the point of you "+1"'ing what you quoted, totally pointless to this guy's question.

I was referring to this...

A different pre wont get you these tones, you know this.

The sound i'd like to get guitar wise is along the lines of Later nevermore, fear factory, SYL, Really chunky yet clean and bright, dry yet overly distorted...
Hey man, yeah i know about getting the chain right before the pre, mic placement yadda yadda, i can pull a good tone and have with heaps of different gear for demoing, but you can draw a bit of detail out with a pre, and thats what i'm asking, the 002 focusrite pres are really dull, and i just want something that can detail it and warm it up a bit, any particular model with those brands you mentioned?

I'm using a 002, and my pres are from the Motu 8pre and the Art Pro MPA II with mullard tubes, sounds really nice! and the difference between that and other top end pres aint massive.

As james (The_Shred) said, the mic/source combination makes more of a diference.

I did a shootout with the pres from the Art Pro MPA, the Motu 8 pre and the 002 pres actually! its on this forum some where. I have to agree the 002 pres are shit, still useful though, and depending what it is you are recording then they will suffice if needs be.
Is the MPA II your using the same as the ART PRO MPA II (apart from the mpaII being dual channel?) it looks like a nice affordable pre, when you say mullard you mean you changed the ones in the MPAII yourself?

has anyone used FMR really nice pre/compressors??