Metal-rules interview with James


Dec 6, 2005
New interview with James posted at which can be found HERE.

I think this is our first interview that hasn't had to be translated into another language.

Currently, both the interview and the album review are listed on their front page along with our banner ad (in rotation) that was created by David (tbhride).
Nevermore, Heir Apparent, Queesryche, Metal Church are all based in the Seattle area - are there any other, shall we say, "true" metal bands in your neck of the woods that people should be on the lookout for? And if there's not, does that make it harder to play many shows locally or do you play with bands that are not really compatible to your style?

No, there really aren’t any others, sadly. Yes, it makes it very difficult to set up shows because of that. There are a lot of death and metalcore sounding bands around here and typically people that would come out to see those bands don’t care for our stuff (“Singing? Yuk!”) and vice versa. It’s actually a bit discouraging at times.

What am I chopped liva' here?