there are a few shops in singapore... lavanita... sells tons of death and black metal t shirts... they aso sells some metal cds and cassettes too... they aso got a few metal vcd titles at the shelf there.... go n check it out.. just go to peninsula hotel 2nd floor and u will find the shop there! if u want metal cds, then just go to the next building funan centre 3rd floor, the shop is call roxy music... they got lots of death/ black/ speed/ power metal cds titles to choose from.. the standard price is abour $29 to $31 which is quite reasonable. another shope which sells a lot of metal cd is at queensway shopping centre, it is similiar to roxy music, they sell a lot of rare and hard to get metal cds and aso cost around the same price as roxy... the shop aso sells metal magazines like metal maniacs and some underground metal zines... for more underground and obscure metal bands cds, u can try to find at this hop call rastafari which is located at marina square and aso at far east plaza.... they aso sell metal t shirts aso, but the variety is not as much as lavanita... another shop, well rather a jamming studio call vrykosound, located at peninsula hotel 5th floor, they aso sell lots of metal cds, mostly underground brutal death cds and aso compilations... yeah i think thats about it!!!