Metal Soccer


Feb 19, 2003
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So one of the matches I've ever watched comes courtesy of none other than my brother. He was part of this event that was turned into a TV show, Metallsvenskan, where he'd been paired up with some other metal dudes to play against other teams of metal dudes. There's a link here:
It's in Swedish, but there's a video if you scroll down a bit. Anyhow, my husband laughed so hard he almost peed himself when he watched the actual show, so for those of you who are Swedish, see if you can find it on-line and watch's flipping funny! Original arir date was August 26th 2010.
hehehehe, its loading.... gotte be funny....

but Tyra.... honestly.... its FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not freakin soccer..... FOOTBALL!!!!!!!! :Shedevil::Shedevil::Shedevil::Shedevil:

sorry, but I needed to say something about that...
Yeah, I know, soccer sounds stupid anyhow...Footy is a better word. Football to me is Brett Farve, Doresey Levens, Don Bebe, Reggie White, Antonio Freeman and Gilbert Brown. But that's because I'm a Cheese sort of girl and always will be. In terms of footy, that's actually one of the few things JH and I disagree on, but we can agreee to disagree. I don't much like his team, he doesn't much like mine. When all is said and done, though, I'd rather play it than watch it, and if I'm going to watch it, well, I'd rather it's be Johan and a bunch of metal heads than some other team...
nope, that's rugby

Edit: and I know it's not really rugby, but to me, it's rugby. Just because them kangaroohumpers want to invent their own sport does not mean i have to recognise it.
So one of the matches I've ever watched comes courtesy of none other than my brother. He was part of this event that was turned into a TV show, Metallsvenskan, where he'd been paired up with some other metal dudes to play against other teams of metal dudes. There's a link here:
It's in Swedish, but there's a video if you scroll down a bit. Anyhow, my husband laughed so hard he almost peed himself when he watched the actual show, so for those of you who are Swedish, see if you can find it on-line and watch's flipping funny! Original arir date was August 26th 2010.

:D Thanks for sharing Tyra!