Metal Social Media of Choice


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Obviously we have this fine forum, but aside from this what do you prefer to use for metal related stuff? I've seen quite a few quality metal blogs, but have seen an increase of content on more bite sized platforms suchs as Reddit or Tumblr. What are your preferences and which blogs/tumblrs/etc are your favorites?
I'm not much into those hipster cool-as-fuck metal blogs like Lurker's Path or CVLT Nation, even though sometimes they dig out some cool black metal for example. I use for music in general and I follow some blogs with cool shit like old demos. Nothing much, really. I don't see how tumblr would be used in this manner. Or fucking Reddit crap.
I really don't get involved much in Tumblr, but my brother it in love with it, and says he's found a few good metal Tumblrs, which also post related content like nature shit, etc. Less about reviews so much as pictures and other related content.
So far, I don't see many good tumblr blogs related to the kind of metal I'm looking for. Sure, they have some good stuff, but nothing new for me. Mostly use and this site for new music. Also, I'm hearing spotify is great too, but right now haven't gotten the chance to get an account.
Basically just forums. Blogs that are designed primarily for sharing obscure demos with only the rare comment don't really qualify as social media imo.
Facebook is great for keeping up with band releases.. i just follow my favourite bands and check for updates etc

Metal Archives is great, but not really social media?
Instagram is pretty good for following bands and discovering new bands. For example, a band called The Worshyp followed me on IG and I had never heard of them before but they are pretty damn good
Does Spotify count? I listen to Spotify constantly, and almost exclusively for metal.

Other than that, I guess this site and Encyclopaedia Metallum. Sometimes I google around for random reviews or blogs but I don't check any regularly.