"Metal Soldiers" are limp dick

I heard Wes' announcment about the e-mail he recieved. I just want to say that Wes and everyone at Rapture are doing a great service to the metal community, and that's all there is to it. If someone wants to make lame accusations, they should do it on the forum so that everyone can read what brilliant and well-informed opinions they might have to share. Metal is about being yourself and not about conforming into the role of "metal soldier" or whatever other horse shit someone might dream up. Metal is an art form, it is music and it is for self expression, and it is not a tool for the ignorant to wave around in compensation for personal weakness. If anyone disagrees with me, please reply, as I am interested in hearing other points of view. Any "metal soldiers" out there who want to pick fights should find a better place to do so than the internet.
Dude if you undertstood how much I appreciate hearing that and it is not because you think anything about me.I have been banging my head against the wall since day one for the unpresidented amount of shit I get daily from people all over forums about Rapture Radio.
Is it true I have advertised the station and admitedly in the wrong forums at times?Yes.
However Never have I done any harm towards anyone nor have I been unscrupulous towards anyone unless they attacked me first.
The very main reason all of this started (Rapture Radio) was when I stopped wriotng for zines I had a ton of cd's from bands/lables that now I had nothing to do with.
Now I figure most people would just sit sround and enjoy the free cd's but I received those cd's for a reason (at the time it was to review them)So I was not just going to ignore my responsability.I also live in a city (as alot of you do)where Metal is unheard of on the radio,So I thought hey I will star a radio station like no other.I found out quickly the radio biz is alot like the magazine biz where if you pay people money or kiss people's asses you can be number one really really fast and like I did when I was a writer I said Fuck That!
So now that someone is listning and people are reading lest go over the finer points.
1.I am not looking to be famous or to get any attention or thank you's (though they are nice to hear :)
2.Rapture is non-profit we do this out of pocket for the love of the music.
3.We are not claming to be tr00 or kvlt
4.We stand by what we are doing and will remain so untill the end,We support the Underground as well asd provide the best Metal 24/7/365 thats what we do!
Nothing would make me happier than to see these bands get sighned.
Last but not least do I want Rapture to be #1?
Fuck yes the more people we have who listen the more people hear these amazing bands.We dont get anything other than a smile when people listen we have nothing to gain except the gratitude of knowing we are doing our job well!
Thanks again and remember all of the thanks belongs to you the listners and the bands!
We dont get anything other than a smile when people listen we have nothing to gain except the gratitude of knowing we are doing our job well!

Rapture definately does. It truely is great tuning in. Even if i don't like a band or song playing it's still nice to kick back and hear the song anyways.

The people here on UM are idiots who want to pick apart anything bad out of anything to make themselves feel better. Fuck them. I've only seen it a couple times, and i have to disagree with those idiots. I'm not sure how i remember finding rapture, but i do remember seeing your banner and clicking on it. I've always wanted to find a nice metal station to kick back to and enjoy listening to. Rapture's definately it. I can hear some songs i really enjoy such as Arch Enemy - We will rise and Immortal's At the heart of winter. I've heard a few new death metal bands through rapture. They've probably never listened to the station and are just proving their idiocy not doing so.
The easiest way is to ignor all those negative comments. Mostly done by humans who are listening to metal for 4,2 months. Let them run a radiostation or site (like mine) themselves, dedicated to the UG scene and we will see who is dedicated and offer their spare time every fucking free minute!