The problem with those who are dedicated!

It seems after last nights mishap that Metal Reighns wishes not to work with Rapture anymore.
Let me set the scene.
I was to download the show from the Metal Reigns site and I did.A 2 hour 219 mb show,Please relize Rapture only holds 300mb of music so I had to delete almost the entire station (Hence all of the new music on Rapture!)
I loaded the show to the station first just a one hour segemnt just to try it out and make sure the quality was good etc......
The one hour segment went over flawless sounded fantastic!
As soon as I knew the show sounded good I went immediatly to adding music into the loader so the listners would not even know anything was missing I spent 10 hours uploading new music!
At approxamatly 9:45 or so the owner of Metal Reigns contacts me on MSN and says is the show over all ready?I open my player window and it says Metal Reigns 119:26 and I tell him nope still on for me.However he was not getting the show.Shortly afterwords Cindy contacted me and said her player window also said Metal Reigns but she was not getting the show either,So we both decided to restart our players and sure enough the show was not on.
Now this was a malfuntion somewhere and I honestly do not know where and I apologise to anyone who might have wished to hear the show.
Now the origional deal was for Rapture to play the Metal Reigns show and we also came up with the idea of making the Sabbath winner the Underground spotlight on Metal Reigns for the week.
My brain just jumped!!!!!!!!1 Hell yeah exposure for the bands!
However it seems Metal Reigns is not interested in the bands only what they can get out of the deal.I have a complete log of the emails sent back and forth.I told them that playing there show maybe was not going to work out but I would love to co-operate with them and keep the Sabbath band idea going.Ready for the quote?
Thanks anyway and I can't see doing anything like that with
the Sabbath thing if I am not getting anything out of it you know.

Well honestly I am not in this for what I can get I wish the best of luck to Crusher and staff at Metal Reigns but Rapture is about the music and not what we can get from people.Sorry this did not work out.
Wes/Rapture Radio