Metal T-shirts


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Im having trouble finding some metal Tshirts online, ive been to and jrsdirect, but i cannot find a naglfar Tshirt, and i want to find a bunch more Tshirts..... got any good sites, and i cannot buy shirts in my town... cuz i live in fuckin iowa.... the closest to metal in desmoines is HOT TOPIC..... help please...
It's as easy as going to the bands official site, or their label. With Naglfar, I don't know. Try, I think that is their label.
I buy most of my shirts off, but they don't carry everything. I usually just search for the band shirts on Yahoo and I find some site (even a small, obscure one) that carries them. There's got to be someplace that has Naglfar shirts, since I've found shirts by much less popular bands.
Make one yourself. You can if you have a printer.

I say this sarcastically, because they are very cheap looking. But you really can make them.
i dont know where you can get any naglfar shirts in north america, but have you tried any european distros? they may charge you an arm and a leg but they usually have everything we cant get here.

heres one: (never dealt with them, so i cant vouch for their reliability) (never dealt with em either) (same) (no naglfar, but i am the webmaster of this site so i can guarantee reliability :D mention 'centinex' and ill hook anyone up with a discount reading this)
Infintiy1 sucks, they just decided not to send me my Amon Amarth shirt, and when I called they told me it was discontined, after 4 weeks. I'm in the same fuckin state and they don't call to notify, it's not even long distance, takes me a month atleast to get the orders.

I would go on E-bay, Century Media's really good, or of course the bands web page.
i was gonna buy a down t-shirt off them last year till i looked at their shipping rates - thats ridiculous. and to top it off, they send first class (2 dollars from one state to another!)

what amon amarth t-shirt were you looking for? i have some stock here (im in the states) and i have one design for the dragon head size large