Metal till I'm 60


Oct 21, 2005
New Mexico
How many of you buy into this? Is Brian Posehn's statement a bona fide creed or a cliche?

I can say at 27 years old, as an adult law enforcement officer, I will continue to support the genre. I watched the Bleeding Through documentary "Wolves Among Sheep" the other day. In the documentary, the singer Brandan Schiapetti (sp) stated that he had friends that swore to support the scene or genre forever, only to find that most of them bailed later on. He openly aired his resentment towards those poeple and I find myself echoing the same sentiment sometimes. Is it petty? Is this fascination childish? Is it an ultra-cliched expression of adolescent or young adult angst or is it something more?

I seldom post on this board, but I'm interested in other people's thoughts. It seems that we live in an age where people seek access to music at every possible moment, yet they refuse to pay for it. You can buy a cell phone with 4GB of memory and not even entertain the idea of purchasing a record or a concert ticket. This practice has become perfectly acceptable, and I thnk it is sickening. Does anyone else have a problem with this?
So your asking two different things?
It seems your interesting in knowing about people's support for the genre all of thier lives.
It also appears your asking opinions on downloading etc. and the blatant use of illegal sharing, if I'm correct.

I for one will support the scene as long as it interests me. As I get older I have found myself going to less shows, as money and time become an issue. BUT, I will spend more money on " special " shows and travel to see those. I think for me it is the next step, case in point going to Seattle for the nevermore DVD shoot. I had a blast and it was something more special to me than the usual show.

basically, as long as the output of such bands continues to be something I find of quality I will support it.
Does anyone else have a problem with this?
On both your issues; yes I have a serious problem with them as well.

I hate people who swear fealty to something (even if it's something as "insignificant" as a subculture) and then reverse themselves later on. I also resent the current mentality of expecting to get everything for nothing, and caring only about rights (existing or invented) and not giving a shit about duties.

I don't think it's a coincidence that we have the same profession :)
I don't see why people just stop supporting something they've enjoyed their whole lives. I used to love Christian Rock, and would buy CDs fairly often. Just because I've come to 'secular' metal doesn't mean I don't still enjoy going back and listening to some other bands (Tourniquet, Audio Adrenaline, PFR).

Matter of fact, any time I listen to those bands it takes me back to when I was young and had no job, no school, and spent all day just goofing around with my best friend and all our buds.

Basically, if someone gives up on a scene, or something they enjoy, then they never truly enjoyed it in the first place. I know a lot of you may have a strong urge to flame me for still listening to bands like Audio Adrenaline but I don't care. Just like all of you on this board I have a level of maturity that allows me to accept that we all have different tastes. And I challenge you all to listen to Audio Adrenaline - Houseplant Song... it's a totally pointless doofy song.

Anyway, shutting up now. You may bash me now..... and step on my cubes while you're at it..... yeaaaaah.... feels niiiiiiiice
Ehh, people swear to support something and then change their minds all the time, whether it be loyalty to a genre of music, marriage, religion, veganism/straightedge/some other kind of restricted lifestyle, etc. All that comes down to is the fact that people change and need change in their lives. I am with Dan in that I will be supportive as long as the metal scene interests me, which it has managed to do so for most of my life so far. I'm not going to take an oath or sign a contract though - that's where people go wrong and make themselves look like asses. As people change, the metal scene itself will change. Who knows, metal (in general) might suck balls many years from now. However, I don't think I could ever dislike any of the music I've already come to enjoy all of my life.

Those who consume music through illegal downloading only...well, they suck. I can't say I've never participated, but I still buy plenty to support the bands I enjoy.
isnt that what the point of this thread was though, to listen to stuff you enjoy personally? :p
I'll always like heavy metal; whether or not I support the scene at a particular time is another question. For instance, I don't support the metalcore scene; I loathe it. If the current scene is worth supporting, I'll support it. If not, I'll just listen to music I enjoy, whether it be different kinds of metal or different music altogether. I only like a handful of popular metal bands at the moment. Novembre, The Vision Bleak, Nevermore, Behemoth, Nile, etc. I personally think the lesser known bands and upcoming bands are head and shoulders above what's going on in the scene right now.

As far as duty is concerned, I think people need to re-evaluate what that word really means. I fought in a bullshit war for my country, although I didn't agree one bit with it. I did it because I raised my right hand and swore an oath to defend my country from enemies foreign and domestic, and my personal opinion has fuck all to do with it. That's duty and service before self, and even mentioning something like that in the same breath in a music scene or subculture is laughable at best. Honor and duty in a music scene ranks somewhere up there with honor among whores.

I buy cds but I download a whole helluva lot more...and I don't care. My band's cd will be out next month. Maybe we'll fall on our swords, maybe we'll do well. I'm still gonna put it online for people to download.

One more thing: since when does a singer for a shitty band like Bleeding Through know anything about heavy music?
I've always listened to what I like and made no apologies for it. Even as a teen, I did nothing and made no effort to be "cool". In fact I think I was the only metal head in school.

I am the same way now, not with just music but with art and other things. I just like what I like, and not because someone else says that something is good. If I'm recommended somthing and I like it, I buy it.

I don't put my loyalties in with an entire genre, but I will with a band I think is totally kick ass that I view as genius.

I am guilty as charged of downloading SNL skits, TV episodes, a few movies and a cheesy arcade game or two commodore 64 emulated games and abandon ware, so I guess I'm no angel. But I've never done the music downloading thing. Not for lack of interest, but It's like Christmas when I get home with a new CD. I like to crack it open and look at all the art work on the cover, read the lyrics and all that stuff before I slap it in. It just would not be the same for me otherwise. I do rip them all so that I can put them in my Zune though.