Metalcamp 2009


is where its at
Hey, I couldn't immediatly find another thread on this topic, this is why I started a new one. Feel free to bash me if I missed one :Saint:

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone who is interested know that we have uploaded a bunch of photos, and a review to go with them, from this years Metalcamp gig.
Click HERE, or use my signature, your choice.
Anyway, hope you'll enjoy what you see, have fun!
You mean in the review? Yes, a lot of them.
As I wrote before, if you use the link in the text, you'll get directly to the Nightwish page; if you use the signature link, you'll come to the start-page, from which it shouldn't be to hard to navigate to the Nightwish page either.
If you mean you want me to post the photos in this thread, please tell me, and I'll speak to our photographer about fixing something up for you.