Metalcore band live recording - Purple Audio Biz pres


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey all !

This thread is for the ones who are interested into listening some frenchy music ;)

I play drums in a metal/melodic hardcore band, which name is STILLRISE.

I asked a friend of me to manage our sound at a live show on last march, 11th, we brought my pair of Purple Audio Biz pres, and used it on the guitars (one is Peavey 5150 with a custom guitar, the other is Engl Powerball with an ESP guitar ; two were tracked with an SM57), we also used my API 512b on the beta 91 into the bass drum (coupled to a beta 52 into a console pre).
As for the rest we used the console pres (Yamaha DM1000 digital). The bass was tracked through an MD421 (Ibanez through an Hartke amp) + an Avalon U5 DI.

We decided to record it on a stereo track recorder, through the headphones output.

Here are two songs :

EVERYTHING'S FAKE : - Everything's Fake (live Eve 11_03_06).mp3

A new song (no name for the moment) : - La Nouvelle (live Eve 11_03_06).mp3

Let me say that the concert room was crap, it sounds quite bad and very agressive (a lot of glass all around !).

As you can hear, it pumps, although we used no compression on the master bus. I guess the recorder we used had an automatic gain setting that we probably forgot to set off.

There was quite no overheads into the speakers, and we used no snare bottom mic, so you can hear that strange drumsound (I think it's great indeed).
The "dual" mode was pushed on the Biz pres, and it sounded very good with it on the guitars.
The hat mic moved during the show so it sounds bad.
The bass is a little too boomy too (too much 100 Hz).
I used a C3 multiband plugin to compress the meds and highs a bit more than the bass band.

The result is a little strange but cool though, we did that to have an idea of what's going wrong. Let me say the guitarists and the bassist weren't very precise, and I did some mistakes on the drums too.
What impresses me is the guitar sound through the Biz, which I think is great
Like you mention, the kick drum is a bit to much in the low area...
Needs some more click i'd say...

Really cool guitar sound!!..I dig it man!! Really good stuff...
It's always fun to do ain't it?...still thinking of recording my band live someday....

For some way don't like the bass that much...but overall sounds pretty nice I'd say..

Great stuff!!, thanks for sharing.
Thanks a lot !

Yes the kick is too "low", and the bass is a little muddy (too much 100-180 Hz).
And you're right it very fun ! Each time we do it, it improves.
The guitars sound great, even if we didn't have enough time to test things.
We are going to record the new song in the studio where I works soon :)
the song sounds awesome, the mix is pretty fuckin good for a live mix, however, i feel the overall limiter you are using is really digging into the sound and creating a wooshing effect, if there is a way to raise the threshold, do it, if not, its okay ..

Hi M. Brokenamp,

I just received the Biz pres 15 days ago and couldn't test them in the studio where I work for the moment, but I'll have to use them soon for a death metal band recording.I'll send you some audio extracts if you are interested ! :rock:

What I can say is that they are amazing : incredible openness in the high, big bottom end, sweet warm mids, precision and in your face sound.
Some guys used them on drums, especially snare and toms, and prefered them to APIs. I have API pres too, and they sound very different, a little more punchy in the mids, but not as open and in your face as the Biz.
Those pres are huge, probably the best ones I could hear in my life. We ordered an A-Designs Pacifica for the studio too, can't wait to hear that creamy sound :)
I'll let you know if I have some new recordings done with the Biz, and let me know if you finally ordered some Biz :rock:
Definately I would like to hear what you do next with them. I'm building a unit to rack API format pres since I don't want to invest like $500+ on a power lunchbox. So maybe I'll get a Biz. I was also thinking about even getting their MC77 kit.