metalcore content! check it out.

Sounds great, very metalcore. :p Maybe the should consider tuning a little higher though. sounds a little too low for, considering the style but that's obviously nothing you have anything to do with, and it's just personal taste.

So are you gonna tell us what you used? :D
Nitronium Blood said:
Man that sounds pretty nice. :)

I suppose the only thing I could suggest from a listener's perspective is that the snare could stand out a bit more. It seems a bit thin and gets lost in the mix.
i hear you man. im tryin to use 100% real snare and its always a challenge with this type of stuff. this is just a rough mix so im still gonna work on that. ill post the final mix when its done and ill whip the snare into shape. thanx for listening.
Sinister Mephisto said:
Sounds great, very metalcore. :p Maybe the should consider tuning a little higher though. sounds a little too low for, considering the style but that's obviously nothing you have anything to do with, and it's just personal taste.

So are you gonna tell us what you used? :D
its not my band so i have no say about the tuning. they are all under 20, so they think that lower is heavier and different. different maybe, i dont know about heavier. i was pretty scared when they started tuning that low(tuned to a i believe), but i think i got it to work. overall im happy with the guitar sound.
ok what was used?
pacific birch kit
toms- sennheiser e604s going into presonus digimax pres mixed 50/50 with sample with drumagog
kick-audix d6 going into rnp mixed 50/50 with sample with drumagog
snare- audix i5 top/sm57 bottom going into rnp top/ rme quadmic bottom
over heads were two samson co1s, two audix f15s and one audio technica 2021 on the ride.

2tracks of mesa triple rec with tubescreamer in front, caparison dellinger loaded with emg 81/85 going into rnp miced with e609black on one speaker, audix i5 on another both into rnp. i found the blend of the two on the mesa to be really pleasing to me and the band loved it as well.

other two tracks were 5150 2 with tube screamer in front, caparison dellinger with emg 81/85 going into rnp miced with the e609 black.

the combination of all those rythem tracks is what you are hearing. i think its pretty good.

bass was a warwick corvette fretless with hartke head going direct into a studio prjects vtb1.

vox were studio project b1 going into rnp.

i tracked and mixed in dp4.61 using metric halo channel strip, waves ssl, waves rennasaince, drumagog, waves power pack.

all was done at my studio in my house. i just redid the live room and control room and its working out pretty well. if you have any other specific questions im leaving out, please let me know.

thanx for listening guys and the input is always appreciated:headbang:
Excellent job dude! I love the guitar tone! A-tuning has this trademark growl that I absolutely crave. Guitar tone is a bit similar to Ion Dissonance'; only x10 better. Am I hearing more 5150 or Dual Rec. ?

BTW, where'd you get your desk at? Also, do you have any closer pics of your outboard in your desk? It's hard to see how you have it all set-up in there, just curious...

Loving this mix..

Great job. Shit the vocals sounds really clean and clear. I wish I could that.
CJWall said:
Excellent job dude! I love the guitar tone! A-tuning has this trademark growl that I absolutely crave. Guitar tone is a bit similar to Ion Dissonance'; only x10 better. Am I hearing more 5150 or Dual Rec. ?

BTW, where'd you get your desk at? Also, do you have any closer pics of your outboard in your desk? It's hard to see how you have it all set-up in there, just curious...

Loving this mix..

hey man, thanx for the compliments. at first i was kinda scared of the super low tuning but i ended up loving it. at the end of the tune its so fucking heavy, i was really pleased. id say rythem-wise its a pretty even split mesa/5150 2. although on the mesa tracks i double miced and it really helped overall with the tone.
as far as the desk goes, the homepage on my website has a pic where you can see the racks pretty good. if you cant see there ill take another pic for ya:D. let me know.
chadsxe said:
Great job. Shit the vocals sounds really clean and clear. I wish I could that.
thanx alot man. glad you like it:headbang: . just keep screwing with compression and reverb on the vox until its sitting right in the mix. for some reason vox were always easiest for me to get sounding good. making sure the tracks are laid down decent in the first place helps as well. choice doubling is effective as well. just make sure its tight perfomance wise.
sounds good, but the guits and the snare don't have that high quality sound to it like the cymbals, kick and vocals. like they aren't as crispy. they still sound good though.

no offense but i hate your avatar pic. i mean she's hot, but that pic makes her hella dirty looking, almost like she's bloody or something.
KeithRT99 said:
sounds good, but the guits and the snare don't have that high quality sound to it like the cymbals, kick and vocals. like they aren't as crispy. they still sound good though.

no offense but i hate your avatar pic. i mean she's hot, but that pic makes her hella dirty looking, almost like she's bloody or something.

thanx man for the input. the band, me and alot of other people have liked the guitar tone. we were going for something alittle different. the band is stoked and i am too. as far as the snare goes, its getting worked on as we speak:cool: . as far as the chick goes..... shes wearing an iron maiden shirt which is why shes my avatar. you dont see super hotties in iron maiden tshirts everyday:kickass:
Sounds realy good! The Mesa and the Peavey seems to blend very well. I have a question, the mesa is considered to be a low-mid voiced amp right? And the peavey is a high-mid voiced amp?
Jackal_Strain said:
Sounds realy good! The Mesa and the Peavey seems to blend very well. I have a question, the mesa is considered to be a low-mid voiced amp right? And the peavey is a high-mid voiced amp?
thanx for listening and im glad you like it. as far as what you said ampwise, thats kinda what i seem to find is the case. the mesa has way more bottom to it if you ask me. the mesa we used for this recording had new tubes put in it which made it alittle brighter than the last time i recorded it with the stock tubes. for this band i really like the blend of both. either or isnt as sweet for me. that said if i were gonna buy on of them, i think it would be the 5150.
hey fellas. here is the final version of the song i posted in this thread a while back. we just got the cd mastered and the band was really pleased. i am pretty pleased with it but know i can do better(i hope i always feel that way). anyway, check it out. the name of the song is die inside and it is by Within the Ruins off their cd entitled "driven by fear". there is another song on my website from the cd you can check out as well if you like the band. the name of the other song is to walk away. let me know what you think. thanx in advance.
Snare sounds a bit dark and vocals a bit loud to me, but everything else sounds ace!! very nice work!

Damn, I just read the equipment list... do you remember what preamps you used on anything, or how you'd compare the ones you have to the 828's stock preamps? I have a VTB-1 I was going to use, but I also wanted to try out some multimicing techniques on guitars, and might do drums eventually, and I'm getting my 828 in a month.

*Edit* we even have the same monitors, freaaaky.
DSS3 said:
Snare sounds a bit dark and vocals a bit loud to me, but everything else sounds ace!! very nice work!

Damn, I just read the equipment list... do you remember what preamps you used on anything, or how you'd compare the ones you have to the 828's stock preamps? I have a VTB-1 I was going to use, but I also wanted to try out some multimicing techniques on guitars, and might do drums eventually, and I'm getting my 828 in a month.
thanx for the comments man. i never use the 828 pres unfortunatly so i dont know what to say about them. for guitars and vox i would definetly go with the vtb-1 for sure though. ive heard the black lion audio mod for the 828 really kicks the preamps up several notches though. i am probably gonna do it soon and when i do i will post a report. for guitars on this it was the fmr rnp all the way. i love that thing. my next pres are api i think though, i really love the 3124.
DSS3 said:
*Edit* we even have the same monitors, freaaaky.
i really like them. i know they arent the greatest but after using them for so long i really know em well. i find them pleasing all day long as well. i intend to get more monitors eventually, but i think these will have a place for awhile for sure. what do you think of them?
I really love them, I just got them in about 3 weeks ago. So far, I've just noticed that they sound extremely clear and really balanced, and actually I've found to translate really well onto other systems.

As far as Pre's though, I think I'll also be looking into that 828 mod, but for now the VTB-1 still kicks my ass for the price!
The Final sounds very good!
I think the kick could be a lttle bitlouder for metalcore maybe, but maybe just my shitty speakers