Metalcore/Hardcore Mix w/Vocals. Check it out

Apr 4, 2011
Just finished working on one of my tracks. Let me know what you think...

Some info:

Guitars- C1 Hellraiser > Pod Farm > loads of post processing

Bass- Thunderbird Pro > Ampeg SVX > shit loads of post again

Drums- Slate layered Kicks and Snares, Emerald Cymbals (Joey), Detuned Toms (Joey)
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damn bro sounds really good. Sweet kicks. Vocalist is really good. I much rather prefer growls over screams any day. There are a few parts in the beginning and during the verse where it sounds dead though. I think its because of the gate, guitars die out 100% during a rest makes it sound a bit unnatural. Maybe a little more gain?
cheers dude =) vocalist was a guy from Italy who someone recommended and a mate of mine in Italy recorded him for me. Pretty please with the way they turned out, even though I could of done with more takes for layering, but can't complain.

as for the guitars, they can't be changed because a mate of mine did the glitchy effects at the end and it had to be bounced, so it's set.