Metalcore (ish?) type mix help needed - 6260, Krank, SD2, SSD, stuff


Jan 13, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys

Just workin on doing some better versions of some of my stuff. Just want to see if im headin in the right direction. Still a bit of editing and automation to do, and im not completely happy with the guitar tone, but its definately improving on my older stuff.

Guitars are a mix of 6260 and a Krank Rev Jr
Drums are SD2 and SSD

Cheers for any criticizm/pointers in advance :kickass: plea rough mix.mp3


You want to be controlling the low mids a little more. The vocals in particular seem to have too much of that 500 to 600hz thing going on, makes them a little flat.

Guitars sound a little strange... almost like you've got a single coil in there or something. Is there anything 'out of the ordinary' about them? The pick attacks just sound strange. Is it that guitar DI sample pack or something?

Probably want a bit more compression on the snare, and you want to be cutting some of the low mids out of both the snare and kick, then bring them forward when they're clashing less with the rest of the mix.

The whole thing just needs more of a push. The changes are too numerous to list in total, but just work at it from the ground up, one step at a time.
Thanks heaps mate, the help is much appreciated :rock:

Im not sure whats going on with the di's, they were done with my esp alexi sig which has an emg81 in it. They were done a little while ago, but it was fresh strings, battery, etc. Il have to revist the di's, maybe retrack.

