Metalcore Mix

Could be brighter over all. I'd scoop out some low mids on the kick. Snare's not bad but I'd comress it more/differently. Cymbals could come up, that would probably make everything more exciting. Vocals feel a little too far back. Some ambience/delay on those leads might be nice! They're also a little quiet. Guitars will probably sound better if you build everything around it up a little, they're certainly edited tight enough! Maybe too much. Bass might also be muddying up the low mids but I can't really distinguish it from the kick.

Sounds cool over all! Not trying to tear it apart, just train of thought to give you some stuff to try.
the guitars are sounding pretty good, abit more overall attack/brightness in the mix would be great, i believe if the drums were abit louder.
its just missing the mix feel, somethings not ringing out