I had a blast as I always do when I'm in Seattle!! I'll post some pics soon. I had to use disposable cameras so it will take a bit!!

Unfortunately though I had the worst flight home ever. I was supposed to fly from Seattle to St Louis to Milwaukee, Well when I got to St Louis, they told me they had to bump me because the flight was overbooked and too heavy. So me and a couple others got bumped, we had to be put on another airline, which meant we had to go back and check in and go through security all over again, not to mention we all got the "Special" Security search where they feel you up and go through all your stuff, then we had to race to our gate as to not miss our flight, but once we got to the gate, the flight was delayed!! Already pissed off, because I had to take an extra flight, instead of going straight to Milwaukee they had me fly from St Louis to Minneapolis then to Milwaukee!! So we finally get to board, get to Minneapolis, only to find our our flight to Milwaukee was delayed also. Instead of leaving at 10:25 we didn't board til 11:45! So needless to say by the time I got home at 2 am, all I wanted to do was crash.

BUT, it was all worth it because Seattle Metalfest was THE SHIT!!:)
Yea, I missed it. I had tickets but my buddy fucking bailed on me. He never called nor gave me any communication to let me know that he wasn't going to make it; he simply avoided me. I couldn't find someone else to go with in the timeframe I had and I couldn't drive the Mustang because first gear is going out.

Fucking pisses me off.
i wast there, but didn't see you jen. i actually talked to the girl at the friewalk music stand before you apparently came there. (the girl who was the sister of loomis' girlfriend. i hanged around there during the first 3 bands, then went in for goatwhore. i was in the pit for GW, then for into eternity i kinda chilled and watch him shred his off, then, destrucion, i was in the pit, then stayed for gay forbid for a while then left.
I planned to go, but I've been unexpectedly short the last few paychecks.

You all should go to Kevin's awesome show comin' up. I'm workin' my ass off to get there.
Due to a hectic day, I was only there from about 10:00pm to 10:30 and the entire time I was trying to get a hold of Ben from Goatwhore because he was going to co-host our radio show with us that night. When I finally found him we had to book fast to make it to the radio show on time. So I HEARD Destruction, but didn't see much of them.

I never saw any of you people, but I was too caught up with other crap to really pay attention. Sorry :\
And yeah, you should come to Studio 7 on February 24th. Our first all ages show and the day after my birthday :)
i wast there, but didn't see you jen. i actually talked to the girl at the friewalk music stand before you apparently came there. (the girl who was the sister of loomis' girlfriend. i hanged around there during the first 3 bands, then went in for goatwhore. i was in the pit for GW, then for into eternity i kinda chilled and watch him shred his off, then, destrucion, i was in the pit, then stayed for gay forbid for a while then left.

Yeh I was back and forth between the booth and watching bands Wendy was a trooper sitting there all night:) I wasn't really sitting at the booth til later in the night.
And yeah, you should come to Studio 7 on February 24th. Our first all ages show and the day after my birthday :)
I'll be there for sure... I'll be taking the 23rd off to get up nice and early on saturday and drive down in my girlfriend's car. Maybe do a bit of sight-seeing. I haven't decided about a hotel or not for that night... Thats up to how reliable your place is that night :p

We'll see though man... I'll talk to ya about it later on. But I'll be there no matter what. :headbang: