

Room of Angel
Jan 13, 2005
My girlfriend got her first car just today, and she has named him/her/it
"METALHEAD" I think that is so cool... Its an honour to ride in a vehicle named after such an awesome piece of Saxon Metal !!

Any of you guys have cars, bikes, pets or anything else named after the mighty Saxon ??
Valanx - why is it, that whenever you mention your other half, she just sounds cooler and cooler!!? You are such a lucky chap!!
I have to say that I currently have no Saxon-related named items, but my excellent, and wonderful, pet cat is named 'Walken', after my favourite actor. Previous pets have been called Harvey, Biff, Mulder, Chris, Lemmy and Ozzy (all of these were Pet Rats).
However, It's kind of ironic that you've mentioned this subject- my local pub appears to have an old Rover Metro abandoned in its car park. I've been attracted to it for some time now, because its registraion ends with HMT. Do you know what I mean? I spotted it immediately!

Currently, I drive a Ford Ka, and I just call it 'Ka'! Boring I know!...
nightwar said:
....because its registraion ends with HMT.

Now that is just cool, no wonder you noticed it straight away! Funny enough my girlfriend for a long time wanted a ford KA.

Cool names on your rats btw! We've had many rats over the years, its just so sad they dont live to long (i hate that) the last rat we had was really cool and had a quite a decent innings his name was Till after Till lindermann from Rammstein.

Before that other rats names have included: Axl , Redeye , Rudigar , Bob , Kane , Tramp , Angel and buffy ...not to hard to work out the ones i DID'NT name!!!

Anyway now maybe i should change this thread to whats your rats name ??
Rats are so popular it seems with people of our musical tastes! No bad thing!
Valanx - Cool, Mate! You're a Rat Boy, like me!!

BTW - Yep, I'm pretty sure who named what Rat!! Women, eh?

I kept Rats for quite awhile but, like you, their limited life-span upset me. In fact, my partner at the time, was quite shocked about how upset I was when Mulder died - but he was such a character! So I eventually phased them out of my life. They make such great pets and, because of that, you make a real bond with them.
Because they are bred for domestic reasons, this limits their life-span (a few years) and I just found it too upsetting to lose one of 'em due to this.
It's a shame, because Walken (my cat) used to love the Rats - she watch 'em for hours! After awhile they even used to cuddle up with each other like mates!!
Yeah mate i can really relate to what you are saying there, it would seem that just as the character of the rat was coming out and the bond with them was becoming really close and strong that they would be almost at the end of their life, a really sad thing to deal with time after time...we kinda phased out having rats as well, but its funny, i still cant take a plate of scraps back to the kitchen without thinking they belong to someone even now!

As for Walken, awesome name, the man is a total legend !!!

Cool name for a cat btw and an interesting tale, speaking of which we had a cat called Jamn and he (who was a she) was not bothered but our rat at the time.. whenever he (she) used to walk past the cage Rudigar used to grab his tail and bite it, it was so funny to watch!!!