metalist festival - israel


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2004
I’m photographing the Metalist Festival in Tel Aiv for a magazine feature. As well as the festival I want to shoot some portraits of different metal fans in the area. I’m there all next week and wanting to shoot both Israeli and Palestinian fans. I’ve got some contacts there already but if anyone knows anyone…. Big thanks to anyone that can help.
muir said:
I’m photographing the Metalist Festival in Tel Aiv for a magazine feature. As well as the festival I want to shoot some portraits of different metal fans in the area. I’m there all next week and wanting to shoot both Israeli and Palestinian fans. I’ve got some contacts there already but if anyone knows anyone…. Big thanks to anyone that can help.

I'll be there and i know one of the organizers but i don't think there will be any Palestinian fans because they are not permited to get into Israel (war and all that shit, you know).

Where are you coming from and what can i help you?