+Metalkuins Legion+ Zine, concerts, parties and festivals


Feet First

check this webzine out!


This webzine deals especially with bands which have at least one woman in their line-up, although not exclusively!

there is a forum as well, reviews, a schedule with the upcoming events; we organize full-metal parties and the admin and a couple of friends have managed to consolidate the Metalkuins Legion as an association, in legal terms. This is very new and we're all looking forward to do member cards and to organize huge metal parties and concerts in the little city of Martorell (near Barcelona).

i promote the zine, but if you want to promote your band, come around and play! just send me a message or visit the zine and write to Emma, the admin, whose nickname is Wini.
if you are interested just send over some audio clips or paste the emule link. right now we have'nt decided if we want to focus on a specific genre or anything, so just introduce your band or drop an idea and we'll see how it works.

You can listen to The Metalkuins Attack on the radio every tuesday from 9pm to 10,30pm Spanish local time.

Click here to listen

for the moment there is only the Spanish version, i'm sorry, but you can contact me for mor info! :wave:

oh, i forgot to say that The Metalkuins Legion is organizing a trip to Atarfe, to the Atarfe Festival in March. more info: http://www.kuinbus.tk/ (spanish only)

rocketcrocket :D