Metallica 2009 Rock Hall ballot

It wouldn't matter to me, if the likes of Rush, Yes, and other great bands got in, anyway. Cause in the end, the bands we love are going to be at the top of OUR lists, and that's all that matters.

Of course that's the bottom line, but it's good to vent some steam against the HOF :heh:
Laaz Rockit is from that area! David Chastain, too! I get your point in a way, though.
What musicians ever came out of Cleveland?

If my memory is correct. I belive it was in Cleveland where a local D.J. coined the term "Rock and Roll" for this new form of music.
The Rock Hall made the wrong choice right from the start, and everything just went downhill from there: opening in Cleveland and not Detroit. What musicians ever came out of Cleveland? Exactly.

wikipedia says:
heavy metal bands Chimaira and Mushroomhead
alternative rock groups Nine Inch Nails and Filter
hip-hop group Bone Thugs-n-Harmony
rock band Eric Carmen and The Raspberries
R&B groups Dazz Band and The Rude Boys
protopunk bands Pere Ubu, Rocket From The Tombs and Electric Eelship-hop artist Ray Cash
R&B artists Gerald Levert, Bobby Womack and Avant
singer/songwriter Tracy Chapman
Benjamin Orr, bassist/singer/songwriter for rock band The Cars
Metallica was eligible last year. In which case, I think it's ridiculous that they aren't in yet. I don't think the Rock Hall should be the Metal Hall of Fame any moreso than it should be the Rap Hall of Fame, but Metallica certainly has had more influence on rock music than.... every single one of the performer inductees from 2008.

These days rock takes influence from metal and punk moreso than its original blues, country, and jazz. Metallica, being the biggest (or 2nd biggest) metal band, as well as one of the most mainstream and rockish ones, I think they deserve the biggest credit for metal's side of rock music from the last 20 years. Which puts them far beyond all the artists from the last 2 years in terms of influence on rock. Except Van Halen and REM.

Not that the The Hall knows shit or means anything. ;) But I will watch their performance on TV when they get inducted. Or maybe just on Youtube.
How could Metallica even be eligable to be inducted? They have not been around nearly as long as the many other deserving bands.Rush,Alice Cooperetc..I guess if you become a pop band you are eligable for the Hall of Shame.....
Coming late to this discussion, but I think everyone is forgetting some fundamental ideas:

* Metallica had such an influence on the music scene in the 80's. We may all sneer at them now, but we can't forget that four album ride from Kill to Justice in which they were metal personified. From a metal world, they are deserving of being inducted, even though the many other bands discussed above are as well.

* We hang out on metal boards, so it is easy to think that the world of music is one of metal. In mainstream society, Judas Priest is an afterthought that has had a few radio songs (Midnight, Another Thing, maybe Law). Alice Cooper is one of those slightly underground rockers that has also been around for decades. Everyone knows him, but I doubt most people could name more than three of his songs. With the Black Album, Metallica went from one of the top underground metal bands to one of the top *bands* in the world. So, to the mainstream RNR world Metallica is a shoe-in.

* Finally, as has been pointed out, it's also about things like name recognition, record sales, and saving enough big name inductees so they have a few to bring in every year. If they started out bringing in all of the big names in the first year, they'd be down to, what, George Thorogood and Wham! by now. The RNR HOF is a production and a marketing venture, and you should treat it as such.

Steve in Philly