Metallica Bassist Auditionees Named


Feb 4, 2002
Former KYUSS Bassist Goes After METALLICA Gig - Jan. 7, 2003

Former KYUSS and current UNIDA bassist Scott Reeder is one of several musicians that have auditioned for the vacant bassist slot in METALLICA during the past several weeks, BLABBERMOUTH.NET can exclusively reveal. Ex-ALICE IN CHAINS bassist Mike Inez and ARMORED SAINT four-stringer Joey Vera, both of whom are considered by some to be among the most obvious choices for the slot, are not believed to have partaken in the auditioning process so far.

The 37-year-old Reeder is no stranger to the METALLICA camp, having previously supported the group in Australia as a member of KYUSS, a band that METALLICA had publicly championed as one of the most exciting new heavy rock acts of the early '90s. Scott has also collaborated with ex-METALLICA bassist Jason Newsted in TREE OF THE SUN, a short-lived, BLACK SABBATH-inspired "doom metal" project that recorded a widely-circulated four-song demo in 1995.

In a 2000 interview with the Bottom Feeder bass player web 'zine, Reeder cited Newsted as "one of my great inspirations as a musician and human being," and went on to say that "[Jason's] influence on METALLICA is way underrated. And as far as strong work ethics and having a great attitude go, Jason's right up there with [Mike] Watt [of THE MINUTEMEN]."

Reeder, a left-handed bassist who plays a standard rightie bass upside down, is known for performing on stage barefoot, a habit he says nearly got him killed during the aforementioned tour with METALLICA.

"Shoes have always been a bad trip — I've got big feet, and I'm a little pigeon-toed, so shoes are kind of a hindrance, I guess," he said. "My old band [KYUSS] supported METALLICA in Australia on the metal 'snakepit' stage, and after our set, their production manager was freaking out about me risking getting electrocuted, so I agreed to try shoes the next night. Well, my hair was in my face, and my leg went between two levels of scaffolding and I did a face plant in front of 16,000 people! Never again!"
Originally posted by Haupassia
"My old band [KYUSS] supported METALLICA in Australia on the metal 'snakepit' stage, and after our set, their production manager was freaking out about me risking getting electrocuted

Wasn't the "snakepit" the bit in the middle of the stage with the runway around it? If they're worried about this poor sod getting zapped, what about all the people under the fucking thing?
He did a faceplant in front of 16,000 people in Australia? That must have been in Melbourne. When I saw that tour in Sydney, everyone was out in the foyer watching Frozen Doberman play. I think I was the only person inside watching Kyuss that night.
Originally posted by Goreripper
He did a faceplant in front of 16,000 people in Australia? That must have been in Melbourne. When I saw that tour in Sydney, everyone was out in the foyer watching Frozen Doberman play. I think I was the only person inside watching Kyuss that night.

i watched a couple of songs from Kyuss(and that was too many!) before returning to the bar!
I dunno......what I've heard has been pretty soft in comparison, but then I've not heard a whole album.