Metallica - Beyond Magnetic


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany

I'm behind the curve on this one but having been introduced recently to what is basically the leftover songs from Death Magnetic, I thought I'd poll opinion (also partly inspired by Steve's updates :p ). What do people think?

Personally, I think these are better, more original, complex and expressive than some on the latest album (we do NOT talk about Lulu) making this some of their best efforts in yonks. They'll never be as good as they were and everything released since that woeful time in 2003 seems to gain sympathy and support for simply not being like St Anger by virtue. Even so, I think this is enjoyable and it's a point in the right direction undeniably.
I haven't heard any of this EP yet but do intend to give it a try. Despite being a fan of the band for years and always having a soft spot for them (I still consider my first experience of seeing them Live at Leeds Festival back in 2003 to be one of the best and most important experiences of my life), I haven't intentionally listened to any Metallica for what must be at least close to two years now, perhaps longer.

I'm interested to hear these songs, especially as if I remember at the time of Death Magnetic first getting released, they said they had more songs they would've liked to have put on the Album if the length of the album wasn't an issue.

I liked Death Magnetic, but again, not listened to it for a while, although when my Brother played a song or two from it when he was giving me a lift somewhere a few months back, I remember thinking "These songs don't seem as enjoyable as I remember them being".
When you listen to "13" or "End Game" or even "United Abominations".........just shows you who still has the fire in their belly. Doubt I will ever buy a Metallica record again to be honest.......and I haven't bought one since "Load"!
United Abominations set the new Megadeth sound on course and it wasn't too bad I quite like that album but End Game and 13 didn't build on this as much as emulated it song for song. Weaker outputs devoid of any real 'fire' in my humble opinion. I'll admire a band who'll gamble, misstep and fail over one who camps in a rut pumping out the same old stuff any day. Don't get me wrong though I love Megadeth :)
Haven't heard them either (nor anything from their stint as a support band: aka Lulu)

Tbh, length of album can be easily overcome by a band the size of Metallica, by releasing a double CD (fans would buy it)

As for buying Metallica albums; I bought Death Magnetic and that was the first one for ages. This was mainly due to winning all of the albums up to and including St Anger in a radio competition back in 2003 (and causing me to sell my copies of Black album and Justice)