Metallica - Blackened

Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
So since there is a topic in bar section about the album, I thought that would be great to put my hands on a song of this album and change some things according to my taste and my point of view.

So here is my mix: - Blackened.mp3

Mixing stems it´s not like mixing raws, so there are things that are very hard to change drastically, like the lack of mids in the guitars. They almost cut my ears for being so scooped but I tried to bring some life without overdoing it.

I tried a better snare and of course, the point of this besides having some fun it´s to have a mix with bass!ahah because I find the lack of bass very annoying. Anyway, comment if you want it.
Sounds ok. It sounds too clean now though. And although the bass is "restored" it still lacks any kind of bass overall. I like the effects around the 3 minute mark. I'd rate your mix 5 or 6/10.
Thanks. I cant understand what the "clean" word means specifically. Almost everything is the same, the snare is augmented and has reverb to have some room. The bass is audible but has almost no post processing because it sounds great.

As I said this files are stems, so I cant change much the character of the mix. The guitars are very, very scooped and without DI´s it´s hard to bring frequencies that doesnt exist. Well, it´s possible to cut and make some boost but just to a certain point or might become really weird.

As as for drums, I think there is some phase issues with the tracks. There are no tom tracks. Just snare, kick and overheads with lots of bleed over them all.

So I agree the lack of the bass in the mix, but not in the bass itself but because the mix as the scooped vibe that the band wanted. Quite hard to change this, IMO.

Of course I know that are people here that could get some much more better sound of this stems. But I did what I thought that would be better with the conditions that I had with the knowledge I have.
I actually compared the CD to your mix and had forgotten how it actually sounded. I had the original vinyl back in the day and it was very boomy sounding from memory. It always caused rattling side effects with my speakers.

And Justice For All is a fucking terrible mix overall anyway. They should redo it :D

I bought the 45 rpm version and the album still sounds like shit.
dude, i think it sounds pretty badass!
fuck, i almost forgot how amazing this track is

could you PM the link to the stems maybe? :)
Sounds great, I did something similar a while ago but really went overboard with the bass. It seems you kept it at a pretty conservative level while still making it pretty audible, so it's fun to listen to the contrast between mixes.

I'll post my mix here, but if you feel it's derailing the thread or anything I'll remove it. :)
Sounds great, I did something similar a while ago but really went overboard with the bass. It seems you kept it at a pretty conservative level while still making it pretty audible, so it's fun to listen to the contrast between mixes.

I'll post my mix here, but if you feel it's derailing the thread or anything I'll remove it. :)

Dude be my guest!lol Seriously I dont mind, I even like to compare mixes. I like your mix, the bass is a bit loud but I like how the bass is grinding through the mix. :headbang: