Uptate on Children of Bodom-y Song, full song with vocals. Need advice on mixing


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I posted a short clip a while ago of a song I wrote in the style of Children of Bodom.

I am 90% finished recording it, I just need to finish the verses on vocals and some bass guitar things and a few minor guitar licks.

I am ripping my hair out over this mix though, its the biggest mix ever tried to do. There are so many tracks and parts (Makes me realize how much effort you guys put into mixing)

Just wondering your opinions about how I should change the mix, or if certain things aren't cutting though


Sounds a bit over compressed, the drums are getting buried along with the vocals a little. Also that first scream you could re-record so it's like "ahhhhhhh......right!". Otherwise sounds sweet dude.
Sounds a bit over compressed, the drums are getting buried along with the vocals a little. Also that first scream you could re-record so it's like "ahhhhhhh......right!". Otherwise sounds sweet dude.

+1........................cool song and playing.....amp?impulses?
Fo sho.

The vocals don't sit in the mix too well, sounds like you recorded it at low volumes (as if you didn't want to be heard). It needs more presence to cut through IMO.

And the keys in the interlude or whatever need less delay/verb or whatever is on em otherwise it's tight.
Fo sho.

The vocals don't sit in the mix too well, sounds like you recorded it at low volumes (as if you didn't want to be heard). It needs more presence to cut through IMO.

And the keys in the interlude or whatever need less delay/verb or whatever is on em otherwise it's tight.

I'm not too good at EQ'ing vocals, any advice on this?
It was the first time in a while for me recording metal vocals of this type, I wasn't doing them that quietly though. I recorded them with a SM57 though if that may be contributing to the muddiness of it.

And my drums always seem over compressed. I'm using addictive drums, though it may be getting ruined in my inexperienced mastering skills with Isotope Ozone
Guitar sound is awesome, as are the keys. Great job on those! Drums sound goody aswell, but the cymbals doesn't seem to sit that well in the mix. Maybe low-pass the guitars to create some room in the upper registers? I would agree that the vocals don't sit to good, but I wouldn't really know how to fix it. What kind of room did you record it in, and is there any reverb/delay?
I'm not too good at EQ'ing vocals, any advice on this?
It was the first time in a while for me recording metal vocals of this type, I wasn't doing them that quietly though. I recorded them with a SM57 though if that may be contributing to the muddiness of it.

And my drums always seem over compressed. I'm using addictive drums, though it may be getting ruined in my inexperienced mastering skills with Isotope Ozone

Add a nice boost to somewhere around 5k, then if it needs more I use the BBE plugin to add a bit on top. There's a free one at kvraudio.com that does the same thing.
This is really great, +10000 on the vocals

We have two really good bodom inspired songs floating around here right now.
lol at 3:41, "yow,yow,yow,yow...yowyowyow lets go!"

anyways, i think the main things that need improvement are the drums and the vocals. drums seem really mono, try to spread them out and make them a bit wider, only keep the snare and kick in the middle. and i would do the opposite thing with the vocals, by bringing them alot closer to the center. pick one vocal to be the main and have it directly center, the others should be maybe 15-20% either side and much lower in volume. as far as eq goes, just to experiment, try bypassing the eq and raising the volume of the vocals till you can hear them clearly, then start doing some minor adjustments from there. an sm57 is not a bad vocal mic.

about ozone, honestly if your mix is sounding good you really shouldn't need that plugin at all! try some vintage modeled compressors and limiters to bring your mix up.

btw: cool song!!