Need some advice on mixing vocals in prog metal


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2015
Hey all, it's my first time mixing vocals, so I would appreciate any advice you have to improve quality.

Do you think it sits nicely in the mix? I've tried not to lose any kick and bass clarity when the vocals appear, do you think I've managed?
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Vocals are poorly recorded, You could have gotten some better takes.

+1 on too loud
+1 too dry

Send your vocal track to an aux. Throw in your favorite Reverb plugin at 100% wet then blend the volume knob on the mixer to your liking. I usually stick with a small plate. You can also throw in some Delay automation in to taste to add some flavor. Let me know how it goes. If you want to send me a backing track and I can mix the vocals for you real quick and send you what I did I could also do that for you as well. Just hit me up in a message. Good luck bro
First of all, those vocals are definitely flat, out of tune, very unpleasant too hear (2:19 and forth)

Vocals are way too loud, drums could definitely back off a bit as well.

Mixing wise, the vocals definitely need some work. Besides from adding some reverb or delay you would definitely benefit with some compression and volume automation, the vocals are a bit too dynamic in volume.
Besides that, the vocals definitely needs some de-essing, the syllables are a bit sharp.

Good luck!
Thanks for advice guys, I really appreciate it.

Guess you can tell from the very beginning that I'm not a singer :p
Also, it wasn't a studio I've recorded them in, it was a vocal booth a friend of mine built himself ;)

Anyway, I'll definiately try remixing it keeping your advice in mind.

Cheers again.