Metallica @ Bonnaroo (6/13/08)


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2007
Didn't see a thread, so I thought I'd start one. Hope this hasn't been brought up yet.

I just wanted to see who else out there was gonna try and make the trek to Tennessee to see the Founding Fathers of Metal rock Bonnaroo :worship: . I'm working on getting tickets (working overtime, selling organs, etc.) for what is, for now anyway, their only scheduled show anywhere other than Europe in 2008 and I cannot fucking wait. Thoughts anyone? :kickass:
No way I'm committing to see them until I hear the new album.

No way I'm ever going to TN, if I can help it. :lol:

Founding Fathers of metal?!? Um, no...
No trek for me. I'll go see them next world tour they do... Bonnaroo is sweet and Pearl Jam is cool but if I went to Bonnaroo I'd need Neil Young or at least Regina Spektor. If I went to any festival this year it would probably be Bloodstock Open Air, and if not that then Graspop.

As for them being the founding fathers... Personally speaking, I can totally dig that. Sabbath invented metal, of course, but I think metal truly became what it is at the start of the 80s when bands got heavier and adopted new techiques and styles that seperated metal from rock. Metallica was one of the first, if not perhaps the very first, band to come out with that kind of stuff.
No way I'm committing to see them until I hear the new album.

I've considered that, but...

a.) I've never seen Metallica in person and it might be awhile before I get another chance,

b.) I'm hoping that they'll play at least a couple of their classics along with the new stuff, and

c.) worst case scenario, they play only new stuff and its slightly better than St. Anger (because it could NOT be any worse), and I still get to enjoy a relaxing weekend of music, stand-up and, of course, some good ole Manchester, Tennessee mushrooms :loco: .

No way I'm ever going to TN, if I can help it. :lol:

Ouch, no love for us good ole Southern COWBOYS :)zombie:)?

Founding Fathers of metal?!? Um, no...

For the record, I wasn't (completely) serious about that, but I figured I'd get more replies that way. :lol:


Wow, didn't realize I had two accounts. Oops.
Metallica have to earn my money for me to see them again. I won't pay to see them since they haven't done anything worthwhile for so long. There's plenty of 'hungrier' bands out there willing to work harder for my money and I am happy to give it to them.
I only saw them once, and that was enough. When I saw them, back in the early nineties, they were touring in support of the Black album, and I already was pissed about that album, but at least wanted to go and hear material from the first four albums. They played them slower, and were extremely sloppy. They poked fun at Alice In Chains, AND Iron Maiden. I left halfway through their show, as they were butchering Disposable Heroes. So...if they were "going through the motions-half assed" then, I would imagine they're even worse in their advanced age today.
Metallica is amazing and my favorite band but the shittyness of this lineup will make me not see Metallica. Im pretty sure they are touring the US this year though.
I only saw them once, and that was enough. When I saw them, back in the early nineties, they were touring in support of the Black album, and I already was pissed about that album, but at least wanted to go and hear material from the first four albums. They played them slower, and were extremely sloppy. They poked fun at Alice In Chains, AND Iron Maiden. I left halfway through their show, as they were butchering Disposable Heroes. So...if they were "going through the motions-half assed" then, I would imagine they're even worse in their advanced age today.

To my knowledge, dude, they never really played Disposable Heroes live until *I think* the St. Anger tour, and then again a couple years ago when they did all of Master of Puppets. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it was not a part of their set list on the tour for the Black Album. They didn't even play it on the original Master of Puppets tour.

I saw them 7 times from '86-'96 (once with Cliff). They were always really good live, but never as clean as they sound on the album.
I've never seen them but I bet they're good live. On the recent "Sick of the Studio Tour" They played no particularly new songs. Mostly stuff from the first 5 albums and maybe one or two from albums after that.
To my knowledge, dude, they never really played Disposable Heroes live until *I think* the St. Anger tour, and then again a couple years ago when they did all of Master of Puppets. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it was not a part of their set list on the tour for the Black Album. They didn't even play it on the original Master of Puppets tour.

I saw them 7 times from '86-'96 (once with Cliff). They were always really good live, but never as clean as they sound on the album.

Yeah, based on the videos I've seen they seem like they'd be pretty good live. Wouldn't spend my money otherwise.
I've never seen them but I bet they're good live. On the recent "Sick of the Studio Tour" They played no particularly new songs. Mostly stuff from the first 5 albums and maybe one or two from albums after that.

That probably had to do with the fact they hadn't released any new material in several years. I'm sure they'll be playing a decent amount of new stuff on this upcoming tour, depending on when the new album is released and how much they want people to hear before it comes out. Still, to my understanding, they usually always play some of their classics.
Tragically, I consider Metallica among the most utterly irrelevant bands in Metal today...and they have been so for a looong time. However great their earlier material may have been(and even some of that is altogether debatable), they have long since outlived their shelf-life date! I saw them on tours for each of their first three albums respectively, and am fairly certain there is NOTHING they could do today to top that!

Having just recently seen Exodus kick absolute ass live, but in club full of perhaps 300 people max, and talked extensively to Gary Holt about the struggles and issues they still deal with just pains me to even the think of the obscene success Metallica has enjoyed, as the all-time commanders in chief of metal sell-outs!
There is no doubt in the metal community that Metallica are the most tragic story in metal history. They will always spark criticism and rejection no matter where their name is mentioned. I agree that this band has been living on their past glories close to 17 years now, and they will continue to do so. Still, I, for one, saw them on the MOP tour opening for Ozzy and let me tell you, it was sheer magic. It was magic moment in metal and for the ones who saw them, we beheld a band that had the stuff needed for greatness.:cry:

They are a shadow of their former selves now but people still want to hear the classics not their new stuff, that's why they sell out places. There are similar bands that do this, their only difference is the integrity factor, something that Metallica lost a long, long time ago. I would have to think twice to see them now.:mad:

I agree with Oldscratch in the sense that Exodus is a band that I love and yet they will never enjoy the success these guys had. It is a shame, indeed.:erk:
To my knowledge, dude, they never really played Disposable Heroes live until *I think* the St. Anger tour, and then again a couple years ago when they did all of Master of Puppets. :rolleyes: I'm pretty sure it was not a part of their set list on the tour for the Black Album. They didn't even play it on the original Master of Puppets tour.

I saw them 7 times from '86-'96 (once with Cliff). They were always really good live, but never as clean as they sound on the album. I was there, at the State Fairgrounds(Tampa) and Fight, Suicidal Tendencies, and Candlbox were with them, I think I know what they played. Were you there? Because if you were, you'd have heard it. It was about 6-7 songs into the set. Don't get me started on what they did with the song Blackened. And the other reason I know they played it is because it's my favorite song on the album. I was hoping they'd salvage my waning faith in these guys after they put out the Black album...but no...their show just nailed the coffin lid shut for me ever going to see them again.
Tragically, I consider Metallica among the most utterly irrelevant bands in Metal today...and they have been so for a looong time. However great their earlier material may have been(and even some of that is altogether debatable), they have long since outlived their shelf-life date! I saw them on tours for each of their first three albums respectively, and am fairly certain there is NOTHING they could do today to top that!

Having just recently seen Exodus kick absolute ass live, but in club full of perhaps 300 people max, and talked extensively to Gary Holt about the struggles and issues they still deal with just pains me to even the think of the obscene success Metallica has enjoyed, as the all-time commanders in chief of metal sell-outs!

Exodus makes crappy music too, it just happens to be metal unlike Metallica :lol: I was there, at the State Fairgrounds(Tampa) and Fight, Suicidal Tendencies, and Candlbox were with them, I think I know what they played. Were you there? Because if you were, you'd have heard it. It was about 6-7 songs into the set. Don't get me started on what they did with the song Blackened. And the other reason I know they played it is because it's my favorite song on the album. I was hoping they'd salvage my waning faith in these guys after they put out the Black album...but no...their show just nailed the coffin lid shut for me ever going to see them again.

I did not say I was there. I said it's not a song they did on the Black Album tour, let alone very often on any tour.

I stand corrected, but it was not the Black Album tour....or the early 90's. :)

20 Aug, 1994
City: Tampa
Venue: Tampa State Fairgrounds
Country/ State: Florida

Bands on bill: Metallica, Suicidal Tendencies, Candlebox
- Ecstacy of Gold
- Breadfan
- Master of Puppets
- Wherever I May Roam
- Harvester of Sorrow
- Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
- God That Failed
- Kill/Ride Medley
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Disposable Heroes
- Seek & Destroy
- Kirk solo
- Nothing Else Matters
- Creeping Death
- Fade to Black
- Whiplash
- National Acrobat (jam)
- Sad But True
- One
- Enter Sandman
- So What!
Fight was on that bill as well. Another reason I know they played it is because, as they were butchering it, I was looking at my 2 friends that came in disgust. And then, as they were singing the chorus, I matched it with "back to the car!!" instead of -Back to the Front-And remember DUDE, you said they never played it, not me. And it was in support of the Black Album, because Load wasn't out, and they toured if I'm not mistaken, for 18 months non stop. I'm glad I didn't go when they toured earlier when the tour first started with guns n' roses. The only two good things about that show was just before Fight took the stage, Halford came out in a long blonde wig, and was calling himself "Metal Dude" Almost nobody realized who he was...geez! And the other thing was Suicidal...they played well, but they were having eqipment problems, and ended their set early. They should have been the 3rd band on, but they were after Fight. Fucking candlecrotch was 3rd! What the fuck?